In the course of researching the Garden of Allah novels, I came across all sorts of places in and around Hollyw ood and the greater Los Angeles area and started to collect the information together into one location on my website. The references at the end of each entry refer to the page number of the book where I found the information. (So “2/15″ refers to page 2 of book 15 listed on my bibliography page.) Readers of these pages will note the occasional inconstancy–that is due to conflicting sources from which this information was taken. This is my long-winded way of saying that I am not presenting this information as professionally-researched, definitive, you-can-take-it-as-gospel. It ain’t. It’s just a huge pile of info I’ll pulled from a wide variety of books, websites, magazine articles. Take it, like it, lump it or leave it.
See also: The Garden of Allah Novels companion map of Los Angeles and Hollywood
Earl Carroll’s – opens 25DEC1938 – “Most Beautiful Girl in the World” theater opens at 6230 Sunset with a cast of 60 girls and is the most dazzling and star-studded event/opening Hollywood had yet seen. (2/8) (14/218) 6200 feet of blue and gold neon tubing…30 foot columns of light flanking the stage…the ladies room in soft peach lamb’s wool…for the investors and members of the inner circle, a $1000 membership free guaranteed a lifetime cover charge and a reserved seat. First-nighters included Clark Gable & Carole Lombard, Marlene Dietrich, Tyrone Power, Sonja Henie, Bob Hope, Betty Grable, Jack Benny, Claudette Colbert, Robert Taylor, Constance Bennett, Daryl Zannuck, Jackie Coogan, Franchot Tone, Errol Flynn, David O. Selznick, Louis B Mayer, Dolores del Rio, Edgar Bergen, Jack Warner, WC Fields, Don Ameche, Walter Pidgeon, Jimmy Durante, and dozens more. (40/171) During the war years it had special priced shows to accommodate the war-effort swingshifters. When Earl Carroll died in a plane crash in 1948 the place closed. (40/219)
Frank Sennes Sr. In 1930, Sennes moved to California where he became the manager of Hollywood Gardens, a nightclub where he gave movie star Betty Grable her first break. In 1953 he opened the Moulin Rouge in Hollywood, which was, at the time, the biggest nightclub, restaurant and showroom in America. It used to be Earl Carroll’s.
As listed in the ‘Los Angeles Guide, 1941’ : “Earl Carroll’s Theater Restaurant 6230 Sunset Boulevard. Dinner from 7.30pm to 11pm.; no couvert, without dinner, admission charge. Two acts with 30 principals, and 60-girl revue. Shows, 9pm & 12pm. For those who like girl shows and revolving stages.”
- Earl Carroll – 25DEC1938 to his death in 1948
- In 1953 it became the Moulin Rouge
- “Queen for a Day” TV show, hosted by Jack Bailey, was shot there from 1956 to early 1960s
- in 1966 it became the Hullabaloo Club until
- 1968, when it became the Kaleidoscope
- 1968 it became the Aquarius for the 2½-year run of Hair, which played six nights a week. On Mondays, the venue was rented out by Elektra Records, which put on affordable concerts.
For a series of great shots, see: http://forum.skyscraperpage.com/showthread.php?t=170279&page=76
See also: http://earlcarrollgirls.com
See also: Spotlight on…the Earl Carroll Theater
Earl Hotel – downtown L.A. gay and/or lesbian club
Eat’N’Shop Restaurant and Delicatessen, 725 S. Hill Street, downtown L.A.
Eddie’s, 6315 Hollywood Blvd, featured Dixieland jazz. Previously Chi-Chi and before that, Sardi’s.
The Egg and The Eye – 5814 Wilshire Boulevard. Founded by Edith R. Wyle in 1965. Wyle was an artist who combined a popular restaurant (with an all omelet menu) with displays of international folk art and crafts
Eaton’s Steak and Chicken House – 3550 Wilshire Blvd at Ardmore Ave. As listed in the ‘Los Angeles Guide, 1941’ : “Branches in other parts of city. Superb chicken — all you want.”
Eaton’s Rancho – Ventura Blvd at Laurel Canyon, Studio City
Eaton’s Santa Anita restaurant, drive-in, and bungalows
Eaton’s Chicken House – La Cienega at Burton Way
Egyptian Theater – 6708 Hollywood Boulevard. Opened 18OCT1922 with Douglas Fairbanks Sr movie “Robin Hood” (2/2) There used to be cages up and down the courtyard on both sides filled with monkeys. In the 20s they had live men dressed in Egyptian costumes who walked the parapet across the top of the place. (66/193)
El Capitan Theater – 6838 Hollywood Boulevard. Opened 1926 as Hollywood’s legitimate largest theater with seating 1550, it was called “Hollywood’s home of the spoken drama.” Became a movie theater in 1941 after hosting the Los Angeles premiere of Citizen Kane.
El Cholo Spanish Café – 1121 S. Western Ave. As listed in the ‘Los Angeles Guide, 1941’ : “Enchiladas, tamales, tacos, in a Mexican atmosphere.”
Eldowney’s Roosevelt Flower Shop in the Hotel Roosevelt, Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood. Phone HOllywood 2442, HEmpstead 3946
Elizabeth Arden – 3933 Wilshire Blvd. on the corner of Gramercy Place, next to what looks like quite a dandy bar called The Bachelors.
The Elite
* 633-641 South Flower St, downtown L.A.
* 6902-4 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood
* 634 Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena
Confectionery, Ice Cream, Catering, Pastries
Embassy Club – popular place in the early 1930s – Next to the Montmartre on Hollywood Boulevard and run by the same owner Eddie Brandstatter. (40/58) Rechristened the Edgemont Club in OCT’33 (40/79)
Epicurean Coffee House – 6824 Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood
Europa, 312 W. 7th St, Los Angeles. “Oldest and best Italian restaurant in the city. Private dining rooms. Special attention to dinner parties and banquets. A. Volpi proprietor.”
Famous Hollywood U.S.O. – 1531 Cahuenga, just south of Hollywood Boulevard. (61/33)
Famous Rite Spot – Lionel C. Sternberger, Proprietor – “California’s finest steakhouse.”
776 N. Vine St, Hollywood
1500 W. Colorado, Pasadena
6148 N. Figueroa, Los Angeles
606 E. Colorado, Glendale
Farmer’s Market – Fairfax Ave. opened 1934
Field & Turf Room, a private club located next to the Cocoanut Grove at the Ambassador Hotel. It featured caricatures of early 1930s showbiz personalities. The artist has been credited to a person named Wava McCullough, though information on her is scarce. Supposedly, the door leading to the private room read “Employees Only.” Other names associated with the private drinking hole were “The Little Room” and “The Press Club.” The club room was dismantled in the 1940s, around the end of WWII. One story was that the space was later used for storage. Another story said that it became the Lido Room. Surprisingly enough, the caricatures, painted on canvas, were rescued and kept out of sight for decades.
Figer 8, 748 S. Figueroa, Los Angeles & 931 West 8th Street, downtown L.A.
Bennett M. says: The Figer 8 was at the corner of 8th & Figueroa, about three blocks from my then office at 7th & Hope. If you ordered a drink before 5 p.m. your second drink was 5 cents! At 4:50 you’d see a herd of guys racing to the Figer 8 to get their pre-5 o’clock order in. A very good martini was 55 cents so that it worked out to be two-for-60 cents. Not a bad deal. How’d I ever live through it?
Figueroa Bowling Center – 1337 South Figueroa St, downtown L.A. Phone PR 9666
Finlandia Baths – Sunset Boulevard opened 1937 by Sam Amundsen. http://themave.com/bijou/50/stagnite1.htm
Firefly – 1648 Vine St, Hollywood, just south of Hollywood and Vine, just north of Brown Derby. Circa 1960s to 1980s. “The bartenders would put lighter fluid on the bar and have this flame run the length of the bar.” Before it became The Firefly, it was called The Office. (circa 1940s and ‘50s)
Firenze Gardens – Apartment block. The courtyard was on Sunset Boulevard, a few blocks east of Western Ave where Fox Studios then stood, and a few blocks west of Bronson Ave where Warner Bros. made their films at the time. (MID 1920s) (75/45)
Flamingo – upscale lesbian nightclub of the 1940s run by Beverly Shaw who entertained wearing drag on her top half – a man’s jacket and bow tie; and sexy-lady clothes on her bottom half, a short skirt and high heels. (60/87 & 97)
Florentine Gardens– 5951 Hollywood Boulevard. Opened 28 DEC 38. Popular in the 1940s (16/81) Never one of Hollywood’s most glamorous nightspots, this 1940s club featured Italian food and a tacky, often risqué floor show. (25/81) By the late 40s/early 50s it had become a place for girlie shows. (Crime bus tour) When it opened it could hold 1000 people, as much as Earl Carroll’s. (40/176) Florentine Gardens at 5951 Hollywood Blvd was one of Hollywood’s most popular nightclubs during the 1940s. (2/8) 61/43 says it was 5955 Hollywood Boulevard. In 1942 Marilyn Monroe and Jim Dougherty held their wedding reception here.
Opening two days after Earl Carroll’s, the Florentine Gardens, catching Carroll’s turnaway crowd. More burlesque than Ziegfeld, it offered basic food and semi-nude girls in a cavernous room down as pseudo ancient Florence. For $1.50, you got a dinner, emcee, 8 precision dancers, a toe dancer, a male dancer, novelty dancing, a singer, sometimes a trapeze dancer, and a 12-piece orchestra. Dancers danced on the largest spring floor on the west coast. The Florentine Gardens took off when Nils Thor Granlund became manager and emcee. Stars who came from the chorus included Gwen Verdon and Yvonne de Carlo. (p265/113)
As listed in the ‘Los Angeles Guide, 1941’ : “5955 Hollywood Boulevard. Dinner from 6.30pm, no couvert. Without dinner, a small admission charge. Orchestra. Dinner. Cocktail lounge. Three floor shows nightly. Girl revues. Situated in the heart of Hollywood.”
See also: http://articles.latimes.com/2004/oct/10/local/me-then10
Fog Murphy’s café bar – Riverside Dr. at Glendale Blvd
Follies-Village, 333½ South Main Street, Los Angeles, Phone MU-2982
Follies Theater, 337 South Main Street, Los Angeles, Phone VA 0517 “Burlesque at its Best”
Foreman & Clark – department store chain headquartered in downtown Los Angeles. Founded in 1909, the chain had 90 stores by 1957, from California to New York, and closed in 1999. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreman_and_Clark, Located at Hill & 7th, 6353 Hollywood Blvd, 5657 Wilshire Boulevard, Burbank, Pomona, http://bit.ly/qin17X
Follies-Village, 333 ½ South Main Street, Los Angeles, Phone MU-2982
Follies Theater, 337 South Main Street, Los Angeles, Phone VA 0517 “Burlesque at its Best”
Foreman & Clark – department store chain headquartered in downtown Los Angeles. Founded in 1909, the chain had 90 stores by 1957, from California to New York, and closed in 1999. Billed themselves as the “World’s Largest Upstairs Clothiers” meaning they didn’t have prime ground-floor, street-front stores, but were located on the second floors and above, which was better because they could pass savings onto their customers by not having to pay rent on prime location overheads. Located at Hill & 7th, 6353 Hollywood Blvd, 5657 Wilshire Boulevard, Burbank, Pomona.
(Paul Verlengia’s) Four Trees Restaurant – 7800 Sunset Blvd. Telephone HO 6-1129
Four Star Theater – 5112 Wilshire – Opened in the early 1930s as the United Artists but operated by Fox West Coast. Later it was renamed the Four Star. The United Artists circuit eventually operated the house as the UA Four Star and hosted many major runs including a first run engagement of “The Graduate” in 1967 and some 70mm runs. UA removed the 70mm equipment in the mid 70’s and the theater was leased to the Mitchell Bros. as a porno venue. It was later operated as an independent and re-equipped for 70mm. In the 80’s and early 90’s it had a grand period as a revival house showing classics, Indian movies and lots of 70mm presentations.
Fosgate and Rees Mission Soda Fountain – 449 South Broadway Street. They boasted the longest soda fountain in the world (at 100 feet) (from around the turn of the century to probably at least the 1920s.)
Villa Frascati Restaurant – 8117 Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood on the Sunset Strip. Belgian Restaurant. Later became the Coconut Teaser.
Frascati Inn – 1056 La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles
Rotisserie Frascati – 9501 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hill
Fred Harvey Restaurant & Travel Center – 1743 N. Cahuenga, just north of Hollywood Boulevard. One of the better Harvey Restaurants. Featured inside murals by Edgar Miller and paintings by Doris Lee were inspired by MGM’s “The Harvey Girls.” Opened in 1939, just up from Hollywood Boulevard and had a travel center attached, sponsored by Santa Fe Trailways, a bus company (not unlike Greyhound.) (61/72)
Frederick’s (of Hollywood) – Started out in an office on Hollywood Boulevard, about a block east of Western. Then a big warehouse on Wilcox just south of Sunset. Then on Hollywood Boulevard to what was Kress’s Department Store which was a five-and-dime, like Woolworth’s. (66/195)
The Freezer – mini chain of ice cream stores with locations at
3641 W. Pico
435 Sunset
1124 Vine
3801 W Washington
402 S Western
and one in Alhambra.
Each store was built into the shape of an ice cream churn.
French Casino – Sunset Boulevard, became the Gower Gulch Dance Hall in MID-1944. (82/59)
The French House – 330 N. Fairfax Ave. Phone WEbster 4657 (Complete dinners, 85c – Luncheon, 50c)
Fern Cafeteria – 665 S. La Brea Ave. circa 1940. Located near Wilshire in a street level space in the E. Clem Wilson Building, the Fern Cafeteria was noted for “Exceptionally fine food” and moderate prices in a 1941 guide book.
(Edna Earle’s) Fog Cutter Cafe – 1625 N. La Brea Ave (near Hollywood Blvd) Phone: HOllywood-9698 http://blackdahlia1946.blogspot.com/2007/01/hollywood-19591963_22.html
Formosa Café – 7156 Santa Monica Boulevard – Opened (as the Formosa) in 1939. Formosa Cafe is a restaurant and bar at 7156 Santa Monica Boulevard, West Hollywood that has a long history of patronage from movie stars and movie industry people. The restaurant used to be a trolley car. Just east of The Lot Studios (formerly known as the Warner Hollywood Studios, the sister lot to the main Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank), generations of movie stars such as Humphrey Bogart and Clark Gable have eaten meals at the Cafe since it was opened in 1934. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formosa_Cafe
The place has been open since 1925, when the studio next door was named United Artists. The Formosa was already almost three decades old when ‘Old Blue Eyes’ enjoyed their chicken chow mein the day after he won an Oscar for his performance in the film “From Here to Eternity.” Marilyn dined here while making the classic “Some Like it Hot.” Elvis dropped by while making “Kid Galahad.” Bogart was known to favor the bar.You might even be seated in the same red leather booth where Marilyn and Clark dined together while making “The Misfits.” http://www.seeing-stars.com/Dine2/Formosa.shtml
“Vince Jung, grandson of one of the original partners, gave me the cook’s tour of this hideaway bar and eatery in a tired looking part of Los Angeles. It’s situated next to Warner Studio on the corner of Santa Monica and Formosa—hence its name. Not much has changed since Lem Quan, Jung’s grandfather, and Jim Bernstein took over the place in 1939. Bernstein was a friend of mobster Mickey Cohen who ran a bookie operation out of part of the restaurant, known as the club car. It was a restored train car. To this day you can see Cohen’s floor safe next to one of the booths.” http://formosacafe.com/reviews/heartland.html
Frances Edwards’ Bar and Grill nicknamed “the Hangout”, across the alley from the Metro lot. “Judy Garland, Donald O’Connor, Kay Thompson, Mickey Rooney, June Allyson, Jane Powell, and others would gather around the piano for a singing session,” wrote columnist Bob Thomas. The establishment also had a tiny dance floor frequently used by Gene Kelly to rehearse routines. (119/111)
The Frisky Pom-Pom Club / Kenneth Harlan’s New Pom Pom Café – 8533 Santa Monica Boulevard. Telephone OXford 7901. Mostly known for its Follies Bergere Revue. (40/62) (circa 1930s)
The Frolic Room – 6245 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, next to the Pantages Theatre. Opened 1941.
The Gables Beach Club was a grand Tudor-style building constructed on Santa Monica beach in 1926. It was a popular filming location. After a fire partially destroyed it in 1930, the club was rebuilt and reopened as the Sorrento Beach Club in 1932. This photo was taken circa late 1920s. (below)
The Galley – 2442 Main Street, Santa Monica. Opened 1934
Closing night party photos from Life Magazine – http://images.google.com/hosted/life/l?imgurl=d04c1706a4957c65
SEE ALSO: About the Garden of Allah Hotel on this website
Garden Court Apartments– 7021 Hollywood Boulevard, northeast corner of Sycamore. Home of some of early Hollywood’s biggest celebrities, including Louis B. Mayer, Rudolph Valentino and Lillian Gish.
http://hollywoodchamber.net/explore/historical_markers.asp Opened on New Year’s Eve 1919 (at a time when Hollywood Boulevard was still semi-residential – 108/67)). Each suite included a baby grand, oil paintings and oriental carpets. 190 rooms, a baby grand piano in each of its 72 suites—began its life just a few years after Hollywood emerged as the world’s movie capital. When it opened its doors on New Year’s Eve, 1919, the staff unrolled a long crimson carpet down to Hollywood Boulevard, then a dusty lane, where lines of limousines deposited their elegant passengers. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,950674,00.html?iid=chix-newsvine
See also 108/93 http://bit.ly/bAZWDp
Garden Room cocktail bar, near the northwest corner of Hollywood and Vine
Gaiety Café – opposite Pantages Theater on Hollywood Boulevard, had an al fresco beer parlor during the immediate post-Prohibition period. (40/96)
The Gaiety – 784 Western Ave (gay bar)
Gateway Theater, 4212 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, 27, Phone: Normandy 9495
The Gay Inn and the Gayway Café – Downtown gay venues. The military would post a sign at this place, and every other place they suspected drew a gay crowd, that said “Out of bounds to military personnel.” (60/73)
The Gay Way, 514 South Main St, Los Angeles
Gayla – gay and/or lesbian club
Gaylord Hotel – a comfortable, if not opulent, hotel on Wilshire Boulevard (19/459: 1950-1954)
Gay bars:
- Burbank: 548 S. Main St., downtown L.A.
- Brass Rail: 336 S. Hill Street. Later, La Cita
- Canyon Club: Topanga Canyon area, mixed gay and lesbian club (c.1940s & 50s) If they saw the Vice Squad pull up, they’d flash the lights which was the signal to swap dance partners to someone of the opposite sex.
- Cellar: 521 S. Main St., downtown L.A.
- Coffee Dan’s: A Hollywood coffee shop that catered exclusively to homosexuals, especially underage gays who lacked the proper ID to get into bars.
- Crown Jewel: 754 S. Olive St., downtown L.A.
- Flamingo: La Brea Ave. An upscale lesbian nightclub of the 1940’s run by Beverly Shaw who entertained wearing drag on her top half – a man’s jacket and bow tie; and sexy-lady clothes on her bottom half, a short skirt and high heels.
- The Gay Inn: downtown L.A. gay venue
- Gayway Cafe: downtown L.A. gay venue
- The Gold Cup: Hollywood Blvd. coffee shop
- Harold’s 555 Club: 555 S. Main St., downtown L.A. Harold’s was a gay bar on a seedy stretch of Main Street, near the Walford. Since their glamour days as early as the 1930s, both bars had grown shabby by the ’40s.
- The House of Ivy on Cahuenga was very popular in the ’50s and ’60s
- If Club: 8th and Vermont – working class/industrial/butch lesbian hang out (c.1930’s)
- Jack’s: Sunset Boulevard – a gay place: “A favorite eating place for queen bees, who generally hit it only for sustenance, not sex.”
- Jimmy’s Back Yard: 1608 Cosmo Street (April 1932 Los Angeles Times article, which put it down the street from B.B.B.’s Cellar.) Opened New Year’s Eve 1929, Los Angeles’ first openly gay bar.
- Johnny Frenchman’s: Malibu bar in the 1950s where entrapment of gay men by the LAPD Vice Squad sometimes took place.
- Jolie’s: 117 S. Western, just below First St., downtown L.A.
- M & M: A lesbian bar with a mix of blue-collar and pink-collar lesbians that catered primarily to Latinas.
- Marlin Inn: Hollywood Blvd. coffee shop
- Maxwell’s: 214 W 3rd Street (from HossC’s post)
- Numbers:
- The Open Door: Across the street from the If Club, where lesbians blue-collar and pink-collar workers rubbed shoulders with prostitutes.
- Santessus Club: downtown L.A. gay venue
- The Star Room: Lesbian venue
- Smitty’s: downtown L.A. gay venue
- Speak 39: Gay bar on Cahuenga Blvd. on the north side.
- SS Friendship: Lesbian hang out, possibly near MacArthur Park, known back then as Westlake Park.
- Tess’s Café Internationale: Lesbian nightclub on Sunset Boulevard.
- The Tropical Village: gay venue raided in 1948; it was located in Santa Monica..
- Waldorf: 521 S. Main Street, downtown L.A.
- 326: 326 S. Spring St., downtown L.A.
Reference: http://www.davecullen.com/forum/index.php?topic=20158.1460;wap2
Gay Los Angeles: The Early Days – http://tangentgroup.org/mediawiki/index.php/Gay_LA_Early_Days
Gaylord Apartments – 3355 Wilshire Blvd , Los Angeles, CA 90010. Built 1924.
Gene Autry’s Top of the Strip – 8401 Sunset Boulevard. Phone 656-4101. Late 60s/early 70s. Later became the Continental Hyatt (aka Riot House, scene of many a TV thrown out of windows by Rockers playing The Strip) then just the Hyatt and now The Andaz West Hollywood.
Gilmore Drive-In – 6201 W. 3rd Street, near Fairfax. Opened in 1948, with a capacity of 650 cars.
Gilmore Field – Built in 1939 for $200,000 and was used by the Hollywood Stars baseball team until 1957. Sold to CBS in 1950, 1952 CBS Television City was built and in 1957 Gilmore Field was torn down. (61/2) (108/110) Wikipedia: Gilmore Field is a former minor league baseball park that served as home to the Hollywood Stars of the Pacific Coast League from 1939–57
Gilmore Stadium – Wikipedia: was opened in May 1934 and demolished in 1952, when the land was used to build CBS Television City. The stadium held 18,000. It was located next to Gilmore Field. The stadium was located west of Curson Avenue, surrounded by Beverly Boulevard, Fairfax Avenue and Third Street.The stadium was built by Earl Gilmore, son of Arthur F. Gilmore and president of A. F. Gilmore Oil, a California-based petroleum company which was developed after Arthur struck oil on the family property.
Gifts For Men – an expensive Beverly Hills store (1950s? – 43/101)
Glass House Restaurant – seafood restaurant, Corner 6th and Main, downtown L.A., telephone TU-8518
Golden Bull – Lesbian hang out (possibly near MacArthur Park, known back then as Westlake Park) (59/96)
The Golden Carp – 7650 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood (lesbian bar, listed in the 1954 Gay Girl’s Guide)
The Golden Gopher – 417 W. 8th St, Los Angeles – Phone Tucker 9801
Golden Rooster Barbeque – 1940s
Green Lantern Fountains, Hollywood, 1929
Googie’s Coffee Shop – Sunset Boulevard A little sandwich shop down from Schwab’s, where the Director’s Guild is now. (James Dean used to love going there.) (66/147) Googie’s was a coffee shop at Sunset Boulevard and Crescent Heights boulevards in Los Angeles in the ’50s that was designed in what was considered a futuristic style by architect John Lautner. Many other restaurants copied the style for a while, including the Norm’s and Johnie’s coffee shops and the Parasol. Later known as Pippy’s
Gotham Delicatessen – 7050 Hollywood Boulevard. Telephone: HOllywood 1438 & 1439. Opened 1923. Across the street from Grauman’s, and the Roosevelt Hotel. In the 1930s this restaurant had “Imported food delicacies from all parts of the world.” Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also had take out. (61/71) “There was no food on the face of the earth better than Gotham’s. You could get everything there. The food was unequaled. It was just like it was a banquet. (66/289) According to the LA Directory for 1956, it was still open that year.
As listed in the ‘Los Angeles Guide, 1941’ : “Gotham Café 7050 Hollywood Boulevard. Combination delicatessen and restaurant. Paprika chicken is a dinner specialty; the Gotham Special Sandwich, big enough for two, is an all-day specialty; and for midnight supper, small hot cakes serves with sour cream are feature.”
Contribution from Elizabeth: We lived just up in the hills from Hollywood Blvd., within walking distance of the Gotham deli & restaurant. My hearty-partying parents swore by the restorative quality of Gotham turkey sandwiches, pierogi and jars of Manischewitz beet borscht. The first errand of any day after the night before included a Gotham run, or in the case of severe impairment, a plea to a BFF to make a deli run before coming over to commiserate. My dad ran a tab at the Gotham, in fact. Their coleslaw was also legendary, and the lox was to die for. I grew up thinking that turkey sammiches were what everyone ate on New Years Day.
Gower Gulch Dance Hall – What was the French Casino on Sunset Boulevard until in MID-1944. (82/59)
Greenblatt’s aka Greenblatt’s Deli & Fine Wines, 8017 Sunset Blvd, Hollywood. Jewish deli open from 1926 to 1921. Initially located in South Central LA, which at the time was home to a large Jewish population, but it later moved to 8017 Sunset. Greenblatt’s was established in 1926 by Herman Greenblatt, who would later sell the deli to the Kavin family in 1946. The Kavin family retained ownership of the deli for 75 years until its eventual closing in 2021.
Gourmet Hollywood – 6534 Sunset Boulevard. As listed in the ‘Los Angeles Guide, 1941’ : “Outdoor tables in patio. Good food.”
Gramophone Shop – Beverly Drive – Record store (50s?) (Vanity Fair, March 2009)
Green T Café – near Chesterfield’s Furniture Company at 3257 Wilshire Boulevard.
Griffith Observatory – Built from money stipulated in Griffith J. Griffith’s 1919 will, the Observatory was built between 1933 and 1935 and dedicated on 14MAY1935. http://www.griffithobs.org/obshist.html (108/79)
Gypsy Camp Hungarian restaurant – 8524 Sunset Boulevard – opened December 1951 – the same location that later became Dino’s Lodge.
Gypsy Room – lesbian venue on Sunset Boulevard (1940s) (60/87)
Gypsy Tea Room, Hollywood Boulevard. A former New York actress (and disciple of noted psychic advisor, Cheiro) ran the Gypsy Tea Room, specializing in tea leaf readings. Among her clients were Joan Crawford, John Barrymore, and Louella Parsons. (p195/113)
Hacienda Arms Apartments – 8439 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood. Built 1927 and became the home of wealthy Hollywood families and motion picture actors, including Marie Dressler, Loretta Young, and Jeanette MacDonald. During the 1930s, the building gained notoriety as the site of the “House of Francis,” described as the “most famous brothel in California,” and the “classiest brothel on the Sunset Strip.” In 1941, the building, then known as Coronet Apartments, and from the 1940s through the 1970s, the building changed hands many times and fell into decline.
Ham and Eggers – Vine St, Hollywood immediately south of the Taft building which sat on the Hollywood and Vine corner. It was from Ham and Eggers that Johnny Grant hosted a midnight to 4am radio show, sitting in a booth with a microphone and turntable. Grant would play records and interview stars who dropped into the restaurant. (p286/113)
Ham Tree Inn, 6139 Washington Blvd, Culver City. Virginia Baked Ham Dinner $1.25. Specializing in: Premium ham steaks, T-Bone steaks, English mutton chops, Toasted sandwiches
The Hangover – 1456 Vine Street, Phone: Hillside 9026 See: http://wp.me/p5XK3w-1U9
Hanstad’s Schnitzelbank Café – 2503 Pasadena Ave, Pasadena – “Open 6am to 2am”
Hap’s – 116 W Channel Rd, Santa Monica, (lesbian bar, listed in the 1949 Gay Girl’s Guide)
Harold’s – Gay bar…on a seedy stretch of Main Street…near the Walford…since their glamour days as early as the 1930s, both bars had grown shabby. (60/1)
Harrah’s Bambu Hut, 25 Westwind Ave, Venice, California. Phone: SM 634-15
Hatton’s Restaurant – 1610 Vine Street, Hollywood, 1949 – Shish Kebab + Finest Cocktails http://www.you-are-here.com/hollywood/hatton.html
Hawaiian Hut – 7210 Hollywood Boulevard – Phone York-9134
Hawaiian Paradise – 7566 Melrose. Opened April 1936 by Rena Borzage, wife of Frank Borzage, director of over 100 silent movies. (40/156) See pic on: http://blackdahlia1946.blogspot.com/2007/01/hollywood-19591963_22.html 7566 Melrose is now Drakes After Midnight Bookstore.
Henry’s Café– Opened in the 1920s at 6315 Hollywood Boulevard, near Vine St and run by a Charlie Chaplin stock player called Henry Bergman. (61/75) In 1932 it changed hands, Eddie Brantstatter took it over and reopened it as Sardi’s. (61/75) But before that, it was the Brass Rail Restaurant. (108/125) In the 1950s it became Zardi’s Jazzland.
Henry’s had the distinction of being the first Hollywood restaurant to stay open after midnight. Financed by Charlie Chaplin,, Herny Bergman ran it. He was an actor who played large women in Chaplin comedies. A late-night hangout for Hollywood celebrities, it was Al Jolson’s favorite spot to eat after the Friday night fights at Legion Stadiu. (p129/113)
The Headline Restaurant, 1540 Cahuena Blvd, Los Angeles. “Til 3pm”
Herb Rose’s 311 Club – Hollywood. Norman Granz began staging jam sessions here in 1943, featuring Nat King Cole and Lester Young, both white and black patrons were welcomed, breaking the usual Hollywood color bar. (82/56)
Herbert’s drive-in restaurant in the 1940s on the southeast corner of Beverly and Fairfax, currently occupied by the CBS Television City studios.
Hershey Arms Hotel – 2600 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles. Open 1902 to 1956. The English Renaissance building spanned the entire block between Rampart Boulevard and Coronado Street. It was opened by Almira Hershey, owner of the Hollywood Hotel and was the first hotel on Wilshire Boulevard.
High Tower – End of High Tower Drive, off Camrose Dr. Built in the late 1920s as part of a development known as Hollywood Heights.
Hi-Hat – 3827 Wilshire Boulevard. High class restaurant opened in the early 1930s by the Brown Derby’s Herbert Somborn on Wilshire near the original Brown Derby (and as an upscale Brown Derby) but it didn’t work and only lasted a few years. Reopened later as Perino’s. (49/35)
Hillcrest Country Club, whose membership was exclusively Jewish. (19/236) (50s?) (Vanity Fair, March 2009)
Hippodrome Theater – 320 S. Main St, Los Angeles. Opened November 27, 1911 as the Adolphus Theatre, primarily a vaudeville venue. The theatre was built on the site of the Panorama Building, which in its later days had served as a skating rink. See more information below about that structure. On August 31, 1913 the Adolphus re-opened as the Hippodrome. The building also housed a 2nd floor dance hall that later became a gym.
Hody’s – at Hollywood and Vine. Also in Los Angeles, North Hollywood, Sherman Oaks, Lakewood Center, Long Beach. In 1955, Hody’s restaurant group signed a 20 year lease for the property on the northwest corner of Hollywood Blvd and Vine Street. Hoedemaker had it remodeled extensively. Previously it had been a Melody Lane from 1940, and before that, from 1932 to 1940, it had been the CoCo Tree Café. In 1969, Sidney Hoedemaker passed away, and the Laemmle building was then leased to Howard Johnson’s which it remained to 1986.
There was also Hody’s coffee shop at 3553 S. La Brea Ave, Los Angeles
Hofbrau Garden – 6361 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood. Phone Hillside 9070. “Gourmet’s Paradise”
Hollenbeck Hotel at Spring St and 2nd St, downtown Los Angeles, circa early 1900s. (see POST)
Holly-Western Bowling Academy, 1683 N. Western Ave, at Hollywood Boulevard, Phone HI-llside 9873. Bowling and billiards
Hollywood Athletic Club – 6525 Sunset Boulevard, corner of Hudson. Built 1924 and was the tallest building in Hollywood. Was used in 1949 for the first televised Emmy Awards. (25/38)
Established by Cecil B. DeMille, Charlie Chaplin, Lon Chaney and Rudolph Valentino as an elite sports club. Charlie Chaplin lived in the penthouse. In the 90s it was still A-list only, but as a nightclub. George Clooney and Keanu Reeves reportedly played pool here. The club is currently used only as a film set. http://golosangeles.about.com/od/laphotogalleries/ig/Hollywood-Photo-Tour/Hollywood-Athletic-Club.htm
Designed by the same architects who built Grauman’s Chinese Theater and the Egyptian Theater. Johnny Weissmuller trained in the pool here for his “Tarzan” films. http://www.seeing-stars.com/Play/HollywoodAthleticClub.shtml & http://www.hollywoodphotographs.com/search.asp?im=-1&cat=61
By 1935, the Hollywood Athletic Club had acquired by the Los Angeles Athletic Club along with four other financially distressed clubs: Pacific Coast Club, Santa Monica Athletic Club, Surf and Sand Club in Hermosa Beach and the Santa Monica Deauville Club. http://www.laac.com/pages/history/historymain4.shtml
– see also 61/83
Hollywood Bowl – first Easter Sunday service held 21MAR1921 with the Philharmonic Orchestra playing on a plank platform. The Lloyd Wright Jnr designed shell opened the 1929 season at a cost of $35,000.
Hollywood Bungalow Café – 1139 N. La Brea Ave, Hollywood. Phone HEmpstead 7200
Hollywood Café – 6916 Santa Monica Blvd, Hollywood. Phone HOllywood 0624. Popular jazz club in the 1940s. (82/56)
Hollywood Circle Café cocktail lounge – 6747 Hollywood Blvd at N. McCadden Place, Hollywood. Phone HU-2-9015
Hollywood Canteen -Bette Davis and John Garfield founds the Hollywood Canteen at 1451 Cahuenga (on the corner of Sunset) with Eddie Cantor emceeing (2/11) (6/178) (14/201) (28/137 & 146) 03OCT1942 Bolstered with funds donated by Ciro’s and Columbia. Studio artists and cartoonists decorated the walls, Cary Grant donated a piano, Jack Warner provided linoleum and countless hours of work by studios plumbers, electricians and plumbers into a cosy Western-themed nightclub. Opening night stars paid $100 a seat to watch the festivities and the parade of servicemen who crammed the hall. Among the people there were Bette Davis and John Garfield, Abbott and Costello, Kay Kyser, Rudy Vallee, Duke Ellington played for the dancers; and among the hostesses were Carole Landis, Loretta Young, Irene Dunne, Marlene Dietrich, Joan Crawford and Rita Hayworth. (40/208)
Postcards of the Hollywood Canteen were given out at the reception desk and could be mailed with fre postage for servicemen by writing “Free” in place of a stamp, and your military association, name and rank. (61/72)
See also 63/59
…the largest nightclub in the country…hired 100 black female dance hostesses and vigorously maintained an integrated atmosphere, but not without difficulty. (82/54)
Hollywood Gardens – Frank Sennes Sr. In 1930, Sennes moved to California where he became the manager of Hollywood Gardens, a nightclub where he gave movie star Betty Grable her first break. In 1953 he opened the Moulin Rouge in Hollywood, which was, at the time, the biggest nightclub, restaurant and showroom in America. It used to be Earl Carroll’s.
Hollywood Guild and Canteen – 1284 N. Crescent Heights. Opened 15MAY1942 by Anne “Mom” Lehr and served over 2 million servicemen. Unlike the USO or other Canteens, this one was designed to serve as a temporary hostelery and up to 700 men slept there each night and up to 1200 on the weekends. (61/33)
Hollywood Gun Shop – 6032 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood Grill – Swanee River Barbecue – 5438 Hollywood Boulevard, west of Western Ave.
Hollywood Hawaiian Hotel (and Apartment suites) – Corner of Yucca and Grace Streets, Hollywood 28. Phone 2-6091
Hollywood Hotel – Opened 1903 as the Hotel Hollywood at a time when Hollywood Boulevard was still called Prospect Boulevard. Addition built 1905. Changed the name to “Hollywood Hotel” in the 1920s. Closed 1956. (61/79) See also photos of the Hollywood Hotel.
Hollywood Nite Club Photos – 6304 Riley Way, Carthay Circle Theater Building, Los Angeles 36, California Telephone: CR 1-3370, CR 1-7720, YOrk, 5293
Hollywood Palladium – 6215 Sunset Blvd – built by Los Angeles Times publisher Norman Chandler and opened in 1940 (ribbon cut by Dorothy Lamour) with Tommy Dorsey who was featuring a young vocalist – Frank Sinatra.
(25/50) Decorated by the same guy who did the equally cavernous Earl Carroll’s. Had 12,000 square feet of dancing area to accommodate 7500 dancers and 1000 diners. The color scheme was silver and pearly gray, accented by coral. (40/192) “In the 40s, after the war, the Palladium was like New Year’s Eve every night with all the servicemen in town.” (66/349) The satin-walled, springy-floored Palladium was touted as a technological wonder, opened with Tommy Dorsey’s orchestra.
Hollywood Park Race Track, Inglewood. Opened in 1938, owned and operated by the Hollywood Turf Club (106)
Hollywood Plaza Hotel, 1633-37 N. Vine St. Opened on October 15, 1925 just south of Hollywood and Vine. (Construction began on September 16, 1924.) This building was one of four major hotels built in Hollywood in the 1920s and once housed one of the most glamorous nightspots, “Clara Bow’s “It” Cafe named for and operated by the silent film star and her actor husband Rex Bell. It had formerly been known as the Cinnabar which had been opened in competition with the Hollywood Roosevelt’s successful Cine-Grill. (40/157) In 1973, the Plaza, along with the Hollywood Knickerbocker and the Castle Green in Pasadena, were converted into senior housing. https://paradiseleased.wordpress.com/2012/10/24/the-hollywood-plaza-hollywoods-forgotten-luxury-hotel/
- 1925 to 1928 – Klemtner’s Blue Plate Café
- 1928 – 1931 – Pig ‘N Whistle Café
- 1931 to 1936 – Russian Eagle Café
- Dec 17, 1936 to Sept 1937 – Cinnabar
- Sept 1937 – It Café (owned by Clara Bow for about a year, then changed management and was taken over by Phil Selznick (David O. Selznick’s uncle)
- 1944 – Les Comiques
- 1952 – Westerner Lounge-Grill
Hollywood Polar Palace ice skating rink – corner of Melrose and Van Ness. I don’t know how long it was there, but apparently the Ice Follies were held there in 1938. In May of 1963 it burned down.
The Hollywood Professional School, 5400 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood. (1935 to 1984) A special school for many of Hollywood’s notables.
Hollywood Public Market – 6561 Hollywood Boulevard – A supermarket big for its time when it opened for business in 1920 with 5.000 square feet of floor area.
Hollywood Ranch Market – Vine Street at Fountain, Hollywood. Opened in 1936. “We Never Close” is the motto of this fabulous market located in the heart of the Movie Capital. Here you can rub elbows with Hollywood’s film greats while shopping for the finest variety of foods and delicacies. http://www.yesterdayla.com/hollywood.html#Vine_Street

This is a postcard from 1944 showing a night shot of the corner of Sunset and Vine looking north up Vine Street:
NBC radio studios, the Vine Street Brown Derby, the Broadway Hollywood department store, Hollywood Recreation Center bowling alley, and the Hollywood Tropics bar.
Hollywood Recreation Center – In 1938, when Hollywood went mad for ten pin bowling, the Hollywood Recreation Center went up on Vine St, south of Selma, in a stylish Streamline Moderne building. It housed a 22-lane bowling alley, a restaurant, and a cocktail bar. (p233/113)
Hollywood Roof Ball Room – corner Vine and Selma, Hollywood. A popular 1920s hotspot that lasted into the 1930s.
Hollywood Rogue Sportswear , 945 N. Highland Ave and/or 1041 Highland Ave, Hollywood – menswear
Hollywood Rollerbowl – As listed in the ‘Los Angeles Guide, 1941’ : “1452 N. Bronson Ave., Hollywood. Aft 2 to 5pm; eve 7.45 to 11pm.”
Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel – 7000 Hollywood Blvd. First opened its doors on May 15, 1927. In the 1930s, Russ Columbo broadcast a national radio show from the Cinegrill. In the 50s and 60s TV’s “This Is Your Life” came live from the hotel. (25/11) Financed by a group including Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Mary Pickford and Louis B. Mayer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roosevelt_Hotel_%28Hollywood%29
Hollywood Spaghetti Kitchen – 6756 Hollywood Boulevard. http://www.theblackdahliainhollywood.com/?p=65
Hollywood Studio Club – 6129 Carlos Ave. then 1215 Lodi Place – Established 1916 by the YWCA (61/27 says it was 1917, and had space for 10 girls) with the support of Mrs. C. B. DeMille and Mary Pickford to provide a decent place for young women coming to Hollywood to live. The first Studio Club housed Zasu Pitts, Carmel Myers, Mae Busch, Janet Gaynor and Ayn Rand. It then moved to Lodi and the new building was designed by Julia Morgan (who later went on to design Hearst’s San Simeon). The new building housed Peg Entwistle, Kim Novak, Dorothy Malone, Donna Reed, Nancy Kwan, Rita Moreno, Anne B. Davis, Barbara Eden, Sharon Tate and Sally Struthers. 59/129 – To further shelter the Goldilocks, Bess Lasky, the wife of Paramount boss Jesse Lasky and several other matrons organized the Hollywood Studio Club, where “decent” girls could find lodging, board, and protection often from the good ladies’ own husbands.
Hollywood Tower – 6200 Franklin Ave. Apartment block in the French Normandy Chateau style completed in 1929. (108/95)
The Hollywood Tropics, 1525 N. Vine St.
As listed in the ‘Los Angeles Guide, 1941’ : “So atmospheric you feel the rainy season coming on.”
Before he bought the former Hollywood Recreation Center from which he broadcast his famous radio show, Breakfast in Hollywood, Tom Brenneman bought the Tropics and started his show there. (p285/113)
Hollywood’s Tom Tom Café – 6266 Sunset Boulevard, Phone Hillside 9849 -&- 806 E. Colorado Blvd, Glendale, Phone 2-9791
Hollywood Typewriter Shop – 6681 Hollywood Blvd. http://www.theblackdahliainhollywood.com/?p=65
Hollywood’s Famous Door – near Hollywood and Vine. Its entrance was scribbled with countless stars autographs. Late 1930s (40/153) http://www.streetswing.com/histclub/a2famdr1.htm
Hollywood Theater
Hollywood Tower Apartments – 6200 Franklin Ave, corner Gower. Opened in the 1920s as La Belle Tour Apartment Hotel. (61/87)
Hollywood YMCA – 1553 N Schrader Boulevard, Hollywood. Was there in the late 30s as 115/p37 says that Bugsy Siegel played handball there. It also had a steam room.
Hoppyland, 400 W. Washington St, Venice
Hotel Knickerbocker – Opened 1925. Valentino would sometimes ride his horse in the evening to have a drink at the bar and dance with women. D. W Griffith lived here and died here of a cerebral hemorrhage in 1948. In 1943 Frances Farmer was dragged through the lobby by the LAPD screaming obscenities and wearing only a shower curtain. In 1954 Marilyn Monroe was often seen sneaking around looking for her future husband Joe DiMaggio. (61/85) …was a glamorous hotel that was popular with celebrities from both coasts; Rudy Vallee, Gloria Swanson, Dick Powell, Bette Davis, and Errol Flynn all lived there, and both Sinatra and Elvis stayed there many times. Houdini also stayed there when he came to Hollywood. His widow held a séance for him on the roof in 1936. (66/36) Cost dollars1.5 million to build. (108/60)
Hotel St Moritz – 5849 Sunset Boulevard. Phone HO 7-2174
“Opposite Warner Bros. Hollywood studios . . . Two blocks from Columbia Square and Radio City”
Hot Spot Café – Culver City (also known as “Gladys’ Hot Spot Café” when two sisters owned it.) http://nfo.net/usa/niteclub.htm
House of Francis – 8439 Sunset Boulevard – where L.A.’s most well known madam – Lee Francis was finally raided and arrested on 16JAN1940 (although over the years she moved often owing to the nature of her business) and she was sentenced to 30 days. She was a model prisoner and didn’t serve the full term. 63/64
House of Ivy– By the late 1950s, despite continuing hostility and harassment of the LAPD, a number of gay establishments had sprung up: the House of Ivy, the Cherokee House, Maxwell’s, The Black Cat, the “356” bar downtown. Most gay bars had existed outside Los Angeles city limits where county sheriffs were traditionally far more tolerant. (10/346) The House of Ivy on Cahuenga was very popular in the 50s and 60s…There was also the Lafayette, which was just across the way from it. And then there was the Open Door, which was on the corner of Selma and Ivar…I also remember the Cherokee House in Hollywood…and Chee Chee’s on Figueroa…There were some others too like the Carousel, in Venice. That was one of the toughest….In the 30s and 40s it was considered quite chic to drop in at an after-hours “speakeasy” knows as Brothers, in the Central Ave area, near the Hotel Dunbar, where the city’s African-American nightlife flourished. (11/37)
House of Murphy – cocktail lounge at 410 S. San Vicente Blvd. 1940s. Their slogan was “It’s my life…I live it…I love it…criticism be damned.” The House of Murphy was a nightclub as well as a restaurant, and specialized in corned beef and cabbage. It was owned by Bob Murphy, an actor who had been a “singing emcee” in vaudeville and also had some work in the movies. He also owned Murphy’s Cellar in NYC. He died in 1948, but the restaurant continued in business.
As listed in the ‘Los Angeles Guide, 1941’ : “House of Murphy, 4th St at La Cienega Boulevard. The a la carte entrée is a complete meal. Cornbeef and cabbage cooked in an old-fashioned dish style. Master of ceremonies Bob Murphy provides impromptu entertainment and the crowd chimes in.”
The Huddle restaurants – Bundy – Phone Exmont 7-7770; La Cienega – Phone Olympia 2-9139. Owner: Paul Cummins
The Hula Hut – 8204 Beverly Blvd. Phone: York-9583. – “Six blocks west of Gilmore Stadium.”
Before that it was known as Ye Bull Pen Inn.
Huff’s Coffee Shop – Air Conditioned. Open 24 Hours. Hollywood’s Finest. 7920-40 Sunset Blvd, one block west of Fairfax. http://www.yesterdayla.com/Graphics/Niagra.jpg
Hurricane Cove, Santa Catalina Island
The Hut, 11100 Ventura Blvd, Studio City, Phone: SU-2-9619 – From the look of the artwork on its menu, it seems like The Hut was around in the 1950s. The back of its menu shows they were around for at least 17 years. Interestingly, it sat on the same site – 11100 Ventura Blvd, Studio City – as a place known as the Zulu Hut, which stood there in the early 1930s.
I. Magnin’s – a store that catered to the ladies, whereas Mullen & Bluett’s offered rainbows of golf hose, sweaters and plus fours to the Beau Brummels. (65/63) Located at 6340 Hollywood Boulevard, built 1923. See also p141/113. In 1939, I. Magnin left Hollywood and moved to Beverly Hills. (p239/113)
Idiot Delights – a chain of ice cream parlors (such as the round building on La Brea and Highland) that were so big and rich – and cost $1 – that if you were able to finish it, you got to keep the big glass that it came in. (66/270)
If Club – 8th and Vermont – working class/industrial/butch lesbian hang out (1930s?) (59/96) (60/88)
Imperial Gardens Japanese restaurant – 8225 Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood
The history of the that site:
The Players Club opened in 1940 faltering around 1950
Imperial Gardens opened in 1953 and closed in 1989
The Roxbury opened and closed in 1997
The Pink Taco opened in 2016
Interlude – also known as the Crescendo – 8568 Sunset, on the Sunset Strip. Phone OL 2-1800 – 1950s nightclub (17/95)
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Independent film companies as listed in 1948 – http://bit.ly/1oWcHrM
- Sydney Buchman, 9700 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills
- Cagney Productions Inc., 1040 North Las Palmas, Hollywood 38
- California Pictures Inc., 1041 North Formosa, Hollywood 46
- Charles Chaplin Studios, 1416 North La Brea, Hollywood 28
- Bing Crosby Enterprises Inc., 9028 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood 48
- Walt Disney Productions, 2400 West Alameda, Burbank
- Federal Films Inc., 8822 Washington Boulevard, Culver CIty
- Samuel Goldwyn Productions, 1041 North Formosa, Hollywood 38
- Sol Lesser Productions, 9336 Washington Boulevard, Culver City
- Seymour Nebenzal, 1041 North Formosa, Hollywood 46
- Mary Pickford, 1041 North Formosa, Hollywood 46
- Charles R. Rogers Enterprises, 1040 North Las Palmas, Hollywood 38
- Hal Roach Enterprises, 8822 Washington Boulevard, Culver City
- Edward Small Productions, Motion Picture Center Studio, 846 North Cahuenga Boulevard, Hollywood 28
- Andrew Stone Enterprises Inc., 8822 Washington Boulevard, Culver City
- Story Productions Inc., 9441 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills
- Hunt Stromberg Productions Inc., 1040 North Las Palmas, Hollywood 38
- Vanguard Films Inc., 9336 Washington Boulevard, Culver City
- United Artists Productions, 1040 North Las Palmas, Hollywood 38
- Walter Wanger, 7324 Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood
- Rainbow Productions Inc., 451 North La Cienega, Hollywood 38
The Islander – 385 North La Cienega Ave, Telephone OL-5-7570
Italian Kitchen, 6225 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood – on the NW corner of Argyle, next to the Pantages Theatre
Also at 6764 Hollywood Blvd near the Hollywood Theatre, east of Highland.
It Café – 1637 Vine St. Opened by Clara Bow and her husband Rex Bell on 03SEP1937 (21/137) at the Plaza Hotel near the corner of Hollywood and Vine. Had a zodiac motif and was popular with Bow’s silent movies era pals. (16/80) (25/48)
“Runnin’ Wild” by David Stenn, page 250 says: “To assuage her grief (over a miscarriage) Rex encouraged her to return to work and in SEP 1937 the couple opened the It Café on the corner of Hollywood and Vine. Thin and glamorous once again, Clara informed the reporters that she would be a constant presence at her restaurant, supervising the chef (though her only specialty was stewed prunes) and greeting customers. Two weeks later she was pregnant again. Warned by Doctors that this child would be her last and terrified of another miscarriage, Clara took to bed. The It Café closed shortly thereafter.”
According to http://www.vialarp.org/vacation/b_blvd_sex_n_death.htm : “The left side lobby of the Plaza Hotel was the Russian Eagle Cafe & Gardens in the 30s. Garbo was a regular and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. first tried Cocaine in the restroom.” See also (61/86) (66/310)
Prior to this, it was the Russian Eagle Cafe and the Cinnabar. After Clara Bow sold out, it later became Phil Selznick’s It Café (Phil Selznick was David O. Selznick’s uncle.)
As listed in the ‘Los Angeles Guide, 1941’ : “Dinner 5pm to 10pm. Supper 10pm to 2am. No couvert. Dancing. No floor show. Bar.”
- 1925 to 1928 – Klemtner’s Blue Plate Café
- 1928 – 1931 – Pig ‘N Whistle Café
- 1931 to 1936 – Russian Eagle Café
- Dec 17, 1936 to Sept 1937 – Cinnabar
- Sept 1937 – It Café (owned by Clara Bow for about a year, then changed management and was taken over by Phil Selznick (David O. Selznick’s uncle)
- 1944 – Les Comiques
- 1952 – Westerner Lounge-Grill
The above timeline was gleaned from: https://paradiseleased.wordpress.com/2012/10/24/the-hollywood-plaza-hollywoods-forgotten-luxury-hotel/
Italian Kitchen restaurant, 6225 Hollywood Boulevard, just east of the Pantages.
Ivar House Cafe, 1737 Ivar St, Hollywood.
Jack’s – Sunset Boulevard – gay place: “A favorite eating place for queen bees, who generally hit it only for sustenance, not sex. (45/58) Probably the same as:
Jack’s Drive-ins – 8801 Sunset Boulevard & 926 Wilshire Boulevard, Santa Monica. Home of the “Big” Jackburger.
Jack Dempsey’s Grill Café. At Barbara Hotel, corner of 6th Street and Westlake. Telephone DUnkirk 2461. At the edge of downtown L.A., just east of MacArthur Park.
Jack and Dom’s Café – 1812 North Broadway, downtown L.A. “15 CENT HI-BALLS”
Jack London Inn – 9090 W. Washington Blvd, Culver City. Formerly 90-90 Club which had probably opened in 1940 and had a fire in 1943 leading to new owners who renamed it Jack London Inn, which the burned to the ground in 1948.
The Jade Lounge – 6619 Hollywood Blvd, at Cherokee. (1939 to 1949)
Jane Jones’ Little Club – 8730 Sunset Blvd. Owned by Jane Jones and her husband, Raymond Babcock, was in business from May 1936 to December 1939 and was a popular gathering spot for lesbians. Jones previously owned a place called the Castle Club. The Little Club was large enough to accommodate an orchestra and dance floor, a kitchen and a bar. With its Sunset Plaza-adjacent location and Jane’s show business connections, the club attracted the Hollywood elite and was apparently a successful venture. However the Vice Squad raided it on September 2nd, 1939 charging Babcock with selling liquor after 2am and the bar was closed in December. By 1941, it had been replaced by Club Marcel, a high-end club that also attracted an upscale clientele.
Jerry’s – 8844 Sunset Boulevard. Phone OL 7-1870. Jerry Lewis’ restaurant in Sunset Strip serving complete dinners for $5.50 in 1961. The Jerry Lewis Club opened in 1959 and closed in 1964. Another source says Jerry’s opened in 1961 and closed in the mid-60’s.
This location was formerly the Bublichki Russian Restaurant.
Jerry Rothchild’s Barber Shop – 222 S Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills. In the 1940s, Bugsy Siegel visited here every day for a haircut and shave; also bookmaking site for him. http://www.movielanddirectory.com/star.cfm?star=381020
Jerry’s Joynt – Corner of Los Angeles Street and Ferguson Alley in old Chinatown before Chinatown was torn down to make way for Union Station at the end of the 1930s. Phone MAdison 5258. This was an odd place that sold both Chinese food and barbequed spare ribs, steaks and chicken. Featured “the beautiful Jade room. http://bit.ly/pYZBmS
As listed in the ‘Los Angeles Guide, 1941’ : “211 Ferguson Alley (near the Plaza). Prices moderate, food good. A Jade lounge with carved woodwork and handsome figurines make it an interesting spot to see, even if you’re not hungry or thirsty.
Jerry’s Joynt – 6594 San Vicente Blvd (at Wilshire Blvd) – “World Famous Barbeque Spareribs” – “Complete dinners from $1.25” (The advertisment below is from 1947.)
Jester Room – 1247 Vine Street. Phone Hillside 6414 http://blackdahlia1946.blogspot.com/2007/01/hollywood-19591963_22.html
Jerry’s Mandalay – 9236 Sunset Blvd “At the end of the Strip” – Phone BRadshaw 24552 – “The newest nite spot – Exotic . . . Sophisticated – Excellent cuisine – Entertainment – Dancing – Private Parties.”
Jimmy’s Back Yard – The address for Jimmy’s Back Yard was given as 1608 Cosmo Street in an April 1932 LA Times article which put it down the street from B.B.B.’s Cellar. Opened New Year’s Eve 1929, L.A.’s first openly gay bar (86/96) – “Gay bars has been part of the Hollywood scene since 1929 when Thomas Gannon opened Jimmy’s Back Yard on Ivar Street on NYE. ( Cosmo Street and Ivar Street run parallel to each other: http://goo.gl/maps/wLB2T )With Prohibition still in place, the establishments officially served no alcohol, but bootleggers and cocaine dealers kept patrons well supplied. (article)
Jimmy’s Back Yard hosted Rae Bourbon’s “Boys Will Be Girls” extravaganza…After Jimmy’s Back Yard, he (Rae) moved over to other clubs, notably Rendezvous and Chez Boheme. (10/144)
In truth, gay bars had been part of the Hollywood scene since 1929, when Thomas Gannon opened Jimmy’s Back Yard on Ivar Street on New Year’s Eve. With Prohibition still in place, the establishments officially served no alcohol, but bootleggers and cocaine dealers kept patrons well supplied. Harry Hay would remember seeing Hollywood names among the crowd at such clubs, among them Billy Haines and Edmund Lowe. “We called them ‘temperamental’ clubs then,” he said, “because we were ‘temperamental’ people.” Other such places included Freddy’s and Allen’s, both of which were raided for their bathtub gin. “You kept your ear cocked to hear about whoever’s new place about every six weeks,” Hay said. (10/144)
When Prohibition was repealed in 1933, law enforcement officers, afraid of losing all vestiges of control over Hollywood nightlife, flexed their muscles by cracking down more often on Hollywood clubs that welcomed the sexually diverse. They were especially hostile to places that offered floorshows in which “man masqueraded as women, and women pose as men. When Hollywood Vice Squad raided Jimmy’s Backyard, they carted off the female impersonators, who were each sentenced to 6 months in jail. (60/46)
(Louis Prima’s) Jitterbug House, 875 North Vine Street, Hollywood
J.J. Haggarty had two stores. One at Seventh & Grand, and the other at 9544 Wilshire Blvd. (1940s)
JJ Newberry – chain of five-and-dime stores. The most well-known was at 6604 Hollywood Boulevard. (Prior to becoming a JJ Newberry, that location was a Bon Marche.)
John’s Café – Hollywood first restaurant started with a guy serving hot dogs to the commuters waiting to take the train over the hill to Universal Studios.
1916…Opened at 6750 as John’s Chop House.
1919…Moved two doors to 6754 as John’s Restaurant.
1921…Moved further east to 6382 as John’s Cafe. (Wilcox Auditorium building)
Remained there for undetermined length, but Wilcox building was demolished around early 1930s.
Johnny Frenchman’s – Malibu bar in the 1950s where entrapment of gay men by the LAPD Vice Squad sometimes took place. (60/79)
Johnstone & Groman – 504 W. Sixth St, downtown Los Angeles – Location opened in 1934 by tailors W.A. Johnstone and Lou Groman, who moved here after 20 years of business in a shop on Broadway. Both men died in the 1950s.
Joe’s Little Italy – 1523 Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood (Joe Amor, Proprietor)
Joseph’s Delicatessen – 5318 Wilshire Blvd, (Near the corner of La Brea.) Phone: Wyoming 3655. From 1940. “Where friendships are nenewed!”
NOTE: The grandson of Joseph is looking for photos of his grandfather’s deli. If you happen to have any, could you please contact me. Thanks!
Joseph’s Royale Cafe = 4061 W. Pico at S. Norton, 1920s
Katinka Russian Restaurant 7351 Beverly Blvd. In 1930, the Cockoo Clock was located at 7351 Beverly Blvd. Later became the Katinka and The Carolina Pines.
Kelbo’s Hawaiian Restaurants – Two men, Thomas Kelley and Jack Bouck, combined the first syllables of their last names and invented Kelbo’s, a small chain of Hawaiian barbecues that were not all that Hawaiian: Burgers, barbecue meat sandwiches and some miscellaneous seafood. The concession to the islands was that every plate was garnished with a piece of pineapple and the fried shrimp was coated with coconut. They also served very sweet (but very good) barbecued ribs and had a menu of tropical drinks, some of which came flaming or served in a skull mug. About half of each restaurant was a large, dimly-lit bar that I suppose some found atmospheric. I never saw anyone there who looked like they might have been a hooker but given the mood, it wouldn’t have surprised me. http://www.oldlarestaurants.com/kelbos/
- 101 N. Fairfax Ave (across from CBS Television City)
- 11434 W. Pico
- at 26th and San Vicente, Brentwood
- 2214 Manchester
- 13562 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks
King George Roof Garden Cafe, Venice, California – “Sidelights from the New York Winter Garden”
King James Steaks, 170 N. La Cienega Blvd, Beverly Hills
King’s Club, 8730 Sunset Boulevard, Phone CR. 9403
The King’s Cellar, 8501 Sunset Blvd, at La Cienega, Los Angeles 46
King’s Tropical Inn – 5935 Washington Blvd., Culver City. http://nfo.net/usa/niteclub.htm
Mickie Capparilli-Mcgowan said: “I was a little kid, so it looked HUGE to me inside. Always crowded and noisy. Big palm trees with lights on them, branches spreading out so you felt like you were on an island at night. High backed booths, dark wood, warm honey butter on the table. Very busy, lots of food, delicious chicken. Yes, Mildred Pierce might have owned it. In fact, the drive-in where they filmed Mildred Pierce’s restaurant, was on Sepulveda…not too far from there. Oh, and the celery/olives thing was for dieters or nibblers. You got a big plate of them for pennies.”
The King’s Restaurant, 8153 Santa Monica Blvd was (1940s?) is where nightclub employees and the occasional cheeky, trysting movie star, claimed as their hangout. (8/121) There was quite possibly also another The Kings restaurant on Sunset Boulevard.
Michael Klemtners Marine Café – 617 South Spring Street, Downtown L.A.
Klemtner’s Blue Plate Café – the first incarnation of the restaurant at the Hollywood-Plaza Hotel, Vine Street, Hollywood, just south of the Hollywood and Vine corner.
- 1925 to 1928 – Klemtner’s Blue Plate Café
- 1928 – 1931 – Pig ‘N Whistle Café
- 1931 to 1936 – Russian Eagle Café
- Dec 17, 1936 to Sept 1937 – Cinnabar
- Sept 1937 – It Café (owned by Clara Bow for about a year, then changed management and was taken over by Phil Selznick (David O. Selznick’s uncle)
- 1944 – Les Comiques
- 1952 – Westerner Lounge-Grill
Kowloon Chinese Cantonese restaurant – 6124 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles 35
Milton F. Kreiss Coffee Shop on the ground floor of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel on the west side. Late 60s early 70s.
Carole: “The floats were amazing. They’d balance a big scoop of ice cream on the rim of the soda glass. There were always stars there which is why I loved taking out of town guests there. Sadly both locations closed in Beverly Hills and Palm Springs. The only ice cream parlor that even comes close to it is in Orange, California. Kreiss passed away and had no family so the two locations were shut down. It was really fun there. Great ice cream desserts but they were known for their malts, milk shakes and floats.”
Milton F. Kreiss’ Coffee Shop, part of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Architecturally, this was a very glamorous place. It was all gold-mirrored with a curved lunch counter and lots of shiny black accents. In addition to being a restaurant, you could buy all sorts of sundries here… costume jewelry, cosmetics, magazines, and other drug store items. I remember coming here often during my high school years, sitting in the camel/gold booths, facing the mirrored walls. They had great Chinese food from the “Yik” oven. Also, you could see very colorful characters sitting at the counter, reading the Racing Form and Daily Variety. Once in awhile I would see movie stars frequent the magazine rack, like Humphrey Bogart and Frank Sinatra. https://www.laconservancy.org/a-culinary-tour-of-wilshire/
Kress’s Department Store – 6608 Hollywood Boulevard, opened 1934 ( 108/83, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S._H._Kress_%26_Co.) later became Frederick’s of Hollywood and remained Fredrick’s for 59 years). Was a five-and-dime, like Woolworth’s. (66/195) “You hear stories about ladies stockings and how women learned to mend them using tiny hooks to loop around the runs. My mother bought one. I have seen women taking their stockings to Kress’s department store to be mended while they waited. The women wanted to wait for fear they would never see their stockings again, so they were willing to stand in lines. Standing in lines seemed to be the only solution for a lot of things.” http://www.leongoodman.com/early.html See also Kress 5-10-25 Department Store
Sam Kress – 6556 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood
Kress Drugstore – 7046 Hollywood Boulevard, later Leggetts.
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