RKO Radio Pictures Studios, Gower Street, Los Angeles, 1935

RKO Radio Pictures Studios, Gower Street, Los Angeles, 1935From the late 1920s to the late 1950, the movie studios at the northeast corner of Melrose Ave and Gower St were home to RKO Radio Pictures. It was hard to miss them if you were driving along Melrose—there was a huge painted concrete globe of the Earth with the iconic radio tower on top. This photo was taken on Gower looking south toward Melrose; we can see the globe and tower on the right. I’ve always liked the oh-so-1930s font RKO used for their logo, but especially displayed along the outer wall like this in huge letters. This space was always used to display billboards of RKO’s movies. We can see “In Person” starring Ginger Rogers, which came out in November 1935.

Much the same view in April 2019. The RKO tower is gone now, but the concrete Earth is still there, as are the billboards:

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The night of the 22nd Academy Awards at the RKO Pantages Theatre, Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, March 23, 1950

The night of the 22nd Academy Awards at the RKO Pantages Theatre, Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, March 23, 1950I’d say this photo is about as Hollywood as a Hollywood photo can be. A single, powerful searchlight shines a bright beam into the sky over the RKO Pantages Theatre on Hollywood Blvd as the hopeful and the notable arrive for the 22nd Academy Awards on March 23, 1950. This ceremony honored movies released in 1949, so it was the night Broderick Crawford won for “All the King’s Men,” Olivia de Havilland one for “The Heiress,” and “All the King’s Men” won Best Picture.

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Tom Breneman’s restaurant, 1525 N. Vine St, Hollywood, circa mid 1940s

Tom Breneman's restaurant, 1525 N. Vine St, Hollywood, circa mid 1940sDuring the 1940s, one of the most popular radio shows was “Breakfast in Hollywood” hosted by Tom Breneman, who ran an eponymous restaurant at 1525 N. Vine St., Hollywood. The show ran from 1941 to 1948 on three different radio networks: NBC, ABC and Mutual – which seems like a lot of bouncing around. Can anyone tell us if that was normal back in those days? I’m guessing this (gorgeously atmospheric) photo was taken mid 1940s, before the façade got a neon makeover.

This is a shot of roughly the same stretch of Vine Street in April 2019. Breneman’s went through a number of changes (to bowling alley then early television studios.) The building itself is long gone but what’s there now is a nice nod to the architecture of yesteryear.

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CBS Radio Playhouse, home to Lux Radio Theatre, at 1615 N. Vine Street, Hollywood, 1941

CBS Radio Playhouse, home to Lux Radio Theatre, at 1615 N. Vine Street, Hollywood, 1941

In the heyday of radio, one of the more enduring shows was the Lux Radio Theatre, which featured one-hour versions of films, often starring the original actors. The show ran from 1934 to 1955, first in New York but in 1936 moved to Hollywood, where it ran in the CBS Radio Playhouse at 1615 N. Vine Street, which you can see in this 1941 photo. Next door was the popular Al Levy’s Tavern. Fire swept through Al Levy’s in 1941 so I’m guessing this photo was probably taken early in the year. The theater has gone through several incarnations and is now the Ricardo Montalban Theatre.

I found this 1948 photo on the Lux Radio Theatre Wikipedia page. It was really just a bunch of people on stage. The real show unfolded in the minds of the listeners at home.

And here are what audience tickets looked like:

Ticket for Joe E. brown at CBS Radio Playhouse, 1615 N. Vine St, Hollywood, December 3, 1938 Ticket for Joe Penner at CBS Radio Playhouse, 1615 N. Vine St, Hollywood, May 30, 1937

How that theater looked in April 2019:


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A dozen Angelenos crowd into a car celebrating V-J Day at Olive and 6th Streets, downtown Los Angeles

A dozen Angelenos crowd into a car celebrating V-J Day at Olive and 6th Streets, downtown Los Angeles, August 14, 1945August 14, 1945 was a big day around the world, but especially in Southern California, which had been the U.S.’s main gateway to the Pacific theater during WWII. This photo was taken that day—known as V-J Day (Victory over Japan, marking the end of hostilities)—and here we see about a dozen Angelenos, giddy with joy, packed into (and onto) a Plymouth at the intersection of Olive and 6th Streets in downtown Los Angeles, where Western Airlines had their office. As we can see from the trash on the street, much celebrating was done that day. And I bet there were many hangovers suffered on the morning of the 15th.

That building behind them with the Western Airlines office is still there. This image is from May 2019.

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Looking north up Vine Street from just south of Sunset Blvd, Hollywood, circa 1950s

Looking north up Vine Street from just south of Sunset Blvd, Hollywood, circa 1950s

Dusk settles over Hollywood in time for the neon lights along Vine Street to flicker on: Wallichs Music City, Capitol Records, Coffee Dan’s, ABC Studios, Santa Fe Railway, Plaza Hotel, The Broadway department store, Brown Derby restaurant, and NBC Studios. ABC moved into what had once been a bowling alley at 1533 Vine around the early 1950s, so I’m guessing this photo is probably circa mid 1950s, but I’m open suggestions to narrow that down.

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Original canopy of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre with the stencil designs, Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, February 1935

Original canopy of Grauman's Chinese Theatre with the stencil designs, Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, February 1935Here’s a shot of something I’ve never seen before: the original canopy that stretched from the front door of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre to the Hollywood Blvd curb had stencils on the side flaps. Those dragons must have been at least a couple of feet tall. This photo was taken during the run of MGM’s “David Copperfield” which, according to GraumansChinese.org was the middle two weeks of February 1935. Back then most films ran for one week, so two weeks meant a film did very well.
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Huge crowds surround the All Night And Day Bank at Spring and 6th Streets, downtown Los Angeles, May 1910

Huge crowds surround the All Night And Day Bank at Spring and 6th Streets, downtown Los Angeles, April 1910Until I came across this photo, I never knew a bank existed that was open 24-7, but apparently the appropriately named “All Night And Day Bank” did exactly that. This photo was taken in April 1910 on a day when it looks to me like there was a run on the bank. All those people are crowding the sidewalks of the intersection of Spring and 6th Streets in downtown L.A. were certainly there for some reason. Note also the mix of horseless and horse-pulled vehicles trying to get through the people.

** UPDATE ** – there was a run on the bank!

All Night and Day run on back


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Palm trees and Victorian homes on Figueroa Street south of 16th Street, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1890

Palm trees and Victorian homes on Figueroa Street south of 16th Street, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1890It’s hard to believe that Los Angeles ever looked like this, let alone downtown L.A. This is Figueroa Street south of 16th Street, circa 1890. (16th Street is now Venice Blvd. Figueroa was re-zoned commercial after World War II.) It looks to have been an elegant street filled with large Queen Anne Victorian homes whose broad front yards featured enormous palm trees. I’ve never seen ones with such short trunks before. They took up a lot of space, but would have been easier to maintain. No climbing up 20 feet to trim them! As far as I can tell, this stretch of Figueroa is now where the Santa Monica Freeways cuts across the south of downtown, so all this is long gone.

Here’s an auto-colorized version, which does a pretty good job, I think. A bit more blue in the sky might have been nice:

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Looking east on Hollywood Blvd from Highland Ave, toward the Hollywood Theatre, Hollywood, 1924

Looking east on Hollywood Blvd from Highland Ave, toward the Hollywood Theatre, Hollywood, 1924In this 1924 photo, we’re looking east along Hollywood Blvd from close to the Highland Ave corner. This is the south side of the street where the Hollywood Theatre is playing a Lewis Stone movie called “Why Men Leave Home” which was produced by a pre-MGM Louis B. Mayer Productions, and also featured a pre-columnist Hedda Hopper. The photo was taken before the theater was remodeled and acquired the angled marquee and blade neon sign that we see in a lot of later night shots of Hollywood Blvd. With lots of vehicles, streetcars, and pedestrians, it looks like Hollywood Blvd was quite a bustling thoroughfare in 1924.

The Hollywood Theatre is now the Guinness Book of World Records attraction. This image is from April 2019:

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