If you’re going to open a donut store, you should probably build the biggest donut you can and plonk it onto your roof so that there is mistaking what you’re offering. In this photo we’re looking north up Laurel Canyon Blvd past the Big Donut Drive-in. It stood on the northwest corner of Magnolia Blvd in North Hollywood. I don’t know when it opened, but this photo looks to be circa 1960s. Judging from the bus stop bench out front, I’d estimate that donut to be 20 feet high, which means I’m now on the hunt for a photo of the crane lowering it into place.
Jeff K. said: “’63-’64 Buick Riviera at lower left.”
Paul L. said: “The Big Do-nut Drive-in chain was founded by Russell C Wendell who would go on to found Pup ‘n’ Taco.”
This is roughly how that view looked in August 2022. A bank branch isn’t nearly as exciting as a ginormous donut, is it?