What a different 102 years makes. In this 1922 aerial photo, we’re looking northwest across Beverly Hills toward the Hollywood Hills. These days, of course, every square inch of all that empty land is filled in with manicured lawns, outsized swimming pools, and enormous mansions. But without them, we can see more clearly how Beverly Hills was planned along gently curving lines. That road along the bottom thickly lined with trees is Charleville Blvd. What a shame those blocks and blocks of lush greenery couldn’t survive the march of progress.
Andie P. said: “My dad told me that the early Beverly Hills “covenants” required all residential properties to be at least 2.5 acres and many were 5 acres. The reason was that the city organizers envisioned the city being for horse owners, and many of the early residents also had at least one cow.”
This is roughly how that view looked in January 2024: