Color view from the Hollywood Bowl looking east across Hollywood, circa 1940s

Color view from the Hollywood Bowl looking east across Hollywood, circa 1940sI’m not 100% sure, but I suspect/assume this photo was taken on some high perch somewhere at the Hollywood Bowl (or perhaps zooming in from the Jerome C. Daniel Overlook northwest of the Bowl?) We can see George Stanley’s 15-foot white granite “Muse of Music, Dance Drama” statue that stands at the start of the Bowl’s driveway. It was dedicated on July 8, 1940. We can also see the French Village that used to stand opposite the Bowl on the east side of Highland where the Hollywood Barn now stands. It was demolished in 1951. So my best guess is that this photo was taken some time in the 1940s—during peak hour if the back up on the Hollywood Freeway is anything to go by!

Here is an aerial photo of the French Village opposite the Hollywood Bowl:

Aerial photo of the French Village opposite the Hollywood Bowl

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Huge crowds pack the intersection of Broadway and 7th Street during a Victory Loan Parade, downtown Los Angeles, December 1944

Huge crowds pack the intersection of Broadway and 7th Street during a Victory Loan Parade, downtown Los Angeles, December 1944Look how many Angelenos turned out to watch a Victory Loan Parade as it made its way northward up Broadway. The cross street here in 7th Street, where “Laura” was playing at the Loew’s State Theatre (where movies ran 24 hours a day to accommodate wartime workers. This photo was taken in December 1944, during WWII, when 4 of 5 street lamps were blacked out on top and instead of Christmas trees decorating the streets, we can see Santas sitting in the middle of a big “V” for Victory.

This is how that same corner looked in February 2023. The building is largely intact, and the Loew’s State is now a church.


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Western Air Express dedication, Alhambra, California, April 17, 1930

Western Air Express dedication, Alhambra, California, April 17, 1930Until I came across this photo, I didn’t even know that Alhambra (roughly 7 miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles) ever had an airport. But here we have a photo of the dedication ceremony that took place on April 17, 1930 when the airport terminal was covered in patriotic bunting. It was built by the airline known then as Western Air Express, which eventually became Western Airlines before it merged with Delta in 1987. But back in 1930, it was only 4 years old and still evolving from being a mail carrier. As we can see from this photo, the day attracted a sizeable crowd, but I wonder if maybe seeing the Good Year blimp up close might have a draw. It would have been for me.

David G. says: “In 1946 Harlow Aircraft Company sold the airport to real estate developers, the north part of the site is now commercial property and the remaining is houses. The Airport was located at what is now Valley Boulevard to the north, New Ave to the east, Almansor Street to the west and the Interstate 10 to the south.”

Western Air Express route map 1926-1930:

Western Air Express route map 1926-1930

This photo is part of a much larger panoramic. Click on the image below for a better view and then click on it again for an even larger version:

Western Air Express dedication, Alhambra, California. April 17, 1930 (full panoramic)

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Looking north up Broadway from 10th St (now Olympic Blvd), downtown Los Angeles, December 1930

Looking north up Broadway from 10th St (now Olympic Blvd), downtown Los Angeles, December 1930The first thing I noticed in this photo was the United Artists blade sign, and the one for Texaco behind it, and then the “ERN” of the Eastern Columbia building. I was so focused on them that I didn’t notice the lit-up Christmas trees lining Broadway. We’re looking north from what was then 10th St but is now Olympic Blvd. It was taken during the 1930 holiday season, back when Broadway bustled with streetcars whose tracks we can see shining in all the electric lights.

This is how that view looked in February 2023. We can still see the United Artists sign and the turquoise tiles of the Eastern Columbia building.


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Color photo of a Van de Kamp’s bakery at the corner of Verdugo Rd and Colorado St, Glendale, California, circa mid-1940s

Color photo of a Van de Kamp's bakery at the corner of Verdugo Rd and Colorado St, Glendale, California, circa mid-1940sI don’t have a date on this color photo of a Van de Kamp’s bakery at the corner of Verdugo Rd and Colorado St, Glendale, but I did find a website showing the history of the Ralphs supermarket logo. The one we can see in the background was used from 1944 to 1947, so let’s call this circa mid-1940s. It’s possible that this photo has been colorized—that sky looks suspiciously picture-perfect, if you ask me—but even if it is, it does remind us how striking those blue windmill-topped Van de Kamp’s bakeries must have been as Angelenos drove around town.

** UPDATE ** – I’ve been told that the vintage photo is indeed a genuine color Kodachrome shot.

1935 advertisement for Van de Kamp’s chocolates:

1935 advertisement for Van de Kamp's chocolates

The intersection of Verdugo and Colorado still has a Ralphs on it, so I assume this is the same corner. This is how it looked in September 2022.


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The Santa Claus Lane parade heads west along Hollywood Blvd at Las Palmas Ave, Hollywood, November 24, 1945

The Santa Claus Lane parade heads west along Hollywood Blvd at Las Palmas Ave, Hollywood, November 24, 1945Starting in 1928, a one-mile stretch of Hollywood Blvd used to be temporarily renamed “Santa Claus Lane” for the holiday season. It was a promotional event intended to boost sales for the Hollywood merchants. The highlight of which was the annual parade down Hollywood Blvd. The one we’re seeing here took place on November 24, 1945, which shows both sides of the street thick with crowds. The attendance that night broke all records because in 1942, ’43, and ’44 the parade was suspended because of the war. But that was all over for the people in this photo, and Angelenos turned out in droves to celebrate the first peacetime holiday season.

Here’s a 1929 newspaper ad for the Santa Claus Lane Christmas Parade down Hollywood Blvd for what would have been the second annual parade:

Newspaper ad for the Santa Claus Lane Christmas Parade down Hollywood Blvd, 1929

The song “Here Comes Santa Claus” was written/sung by Gene Autry, and was inspired by the Santa Claus Lane Parade?

This is how that same view looked in August 2022. That building with the Art Deco tower on the corner is still there, as is the Egyptian Theatre.


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Color photo of CBS Columbia Square, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, circa early 1950s

Color photo of CBS Columbia Square, Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, circa early 1950sIn April 1938, CBS Radio opened its Columbia Square broadcasting facilities on Sunset Blvd just west of Gower St. NBC Radio opened their studios at Sunset and Vine in October, making that stretch of Sunset Blvd the center of radio broadcasting in Los Angeles. In this vivid color photo, we’re seeing CBS’s Columbia  Square sometime in the early 1950s. I love that (what I assume is a) delivery van parked out front. Playing at CBS that day was Art Linkletter’s “House Party” radio show that ran from 1945 to 1967.

John G. says: “This is the locale of one of the Kennedy/Nixon debates… the one where JFK looked tanned and rested, while Nixon had a horrible make up person and came off sweaty and flummoxed.”

This is how that building looked in November 2021. It’s home to a number of companies but I think the biggest occupant is NeueHouse, which is a co-working space.


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Night shot looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Ivar Ave, Hollywood, December 1964

Night shot looking east along Hollywood Blvd from Ivar Ave, Hollywood, December 1964Many of the photos of Hollywood Blvd decorated for the holidays with electrified Christmas trees are in black and white, so it’s always great to find one in color. Those Christmas trees changed from time to time, so we can see in 1964, when this photo was taken, they were triangular with giant white stars on top. We’re looking west along the boulevard, and that cross street is Ivar Ave. On the left is the orange neon sign for Leeds, which was a popular shoe store. Does anybody reading this remember it?

Carron L said: “I loved Leeds while I was growing up. Cute knock off shoes from the higher end lines. Affordable prices. They did a good business and dyed to match wedding and bridesmaids shoes.”

Gayle C said: “There was a different shoe featured each week. The pumps were $7.99! They would look good today, but heels were not 6″ stilettos at that time! I liked Mandel’s and CH Baker because they had AA widths.”

This is what Leeds looked like during the day. Next to it is a store called Marty’s at 6358 Hollywood Blvd. I don’t remember seeing before. Does anybody remember what they sold? This shot is circa mid-1960s.

Leeds Shoes and Marty's, Hollywood Blvd, circa mid-1960s

This is how the Leeds shoe store corner building looked in August 2022. While it’s now a restaurant, the shape of the building is still—miraculously—the same.


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Nighttime view of Pasadena and surrounds as seen from Mt Wilson in the San Gabriel Mountains north of Los Angeles, 1929

Nighttime view of Pasadena and surrounds as seen from Mt Wilson in the San Gabriel Mountains north of Los Angeles, 1929The caption on this photo says that the carpet of sparkling lights is Pasadena as seen from Mt Wilson in 1929, which surprised me because I wouldn’t have thought Pasadena would have been that big back then. Mt Wilson is northeast of Pasadena in the San Gabriel Mountains, and is where the Mt. Wilson Observatory stands. I’m assuming the photographer was standing there when he took this striking shot.

According to the 1930 census, the population of Pasadena around this times 76,000 residents.

Jeff Hamblin on Facebook supplied these two comparison images to help us orient ourselves to the original:



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Color photo of Brown Derby restaurant with Record Room, Vine St, Hollywood, circa early 1950s

Color photo of Brown Derby restaurant with Record Room, Vine St, Hollywood, circa early 1950sI’m always up for a photo of the Vine St Brown Derby in Hollywood—especially if it’s color. It went through various stages, but we can date this to around early 1950s because around then, two things happened. The restaurant was painted the brown color we can see here. (Later in the 1950s, it went back to being white again.) And also their Bamboo Room was renamed the Record Room and decorated with works by an artist named Nicholas Volpe. The Derby commissioned him to do around 200 portraits of recording artists (possibly because Capitol Records was just up the street? But that’s just a guess.)

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