Tag Archives: Aerial photographs

Howard Hughes’ private airport, Culver City, Los Angeles ( 1940 until 1985)

You know you’re rich when you’ve got your own airport — and Howard Hughes was plenty rich to be able to afford this one, which was just near LAX in Culver City. What was once the largest privately owned airport … Continue reading

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Mt. Lee and the Hollywoodland sign as seen from Mt. Hollywood, circa 1920s

I couldn’t get a date on this panoramic photograph of Mt. Lee and the Hollywoodland sign taken from the nearby peak of Mt. Hollywood, but given how bare and undeveloped the Hollywood hills are, I would imagine this is from … Continue reading

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Aerial view of the Beverly Hills Hotel, circa 1920

I don’t know when this aerial view of the Beverly Hills Hotel was taken, but it must be pretty early. The wing facing Crescent Drive hasn’t been built yet, and those tennis courts are kinda sorta where the swimming pool … Continue reading

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Bird’s-eye view of the Santa Monica shoreline north from Castellammare Drive, circa 1932

This circa 1932 bird’s-eye view of the Santa Monica shoreline was taken north of Castellammare Drive, which is not far from the “Inceville” photo I posted recently where Sunset Blvd meets the Pacific. It looks so peaceful, doesn’t it? One … Continue reading

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Intersection of Wilshire and Santa Monica Boulevards show traffic demonstration, 1924

This photo from the BHHS shows us the intersection of Wilshire and Santa Monica Boulevards in 1924. It’s choked with vehicles because local drivers were staging a demonstration intended to goad the city to installing traffic lights. Evidently it was … Continue reading

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Aerial view looking north along Fairfax Ave at the intersection of Wilshire Blvd, showing Chaplin Airfield and DeMille Airfields, and oil wells, circa 1920

In this circa 1920 aerial shot, we’re looking north along Fairfax Ave where it intersects with Wilshire Blvd (where the May Company would build its iconic department store 20 years later, soon to become the Academy museum.) At this time, … Continue reading

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Bird’s eye view of Hollywood facing north, 1932

This photo gives us a rare bird’s eye view of Hollywood in 1932. That main thoroughfare on the right is Highland Ave, and we can see it stretching north toward the Hollywood Boulevard intersection. The tall building on the far … Continue reading

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Aerial view of Hollywood Boulevard at night, looking east from Highland Avenue, circa 1930s

I don’t know what’s happening in this circa 1930s night view of Hollywood Boulevard, but clearly something was going on. There appear to be searchlights on every block. Oh, to have been able to walk the boulevard that night. (Or … Continue reading

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La Brea Tar Pits in 1924. 5801 Wilshire Boulevard between Ogden and Curson Streets

This 1924 aerial shot shows us how the land surrounding the La Brea Tar Pits is only just starting to fill in. That’s Wilshire Blvd near the top (you can see the pool of bubbling tar) which means that’s 6th … Continue reading

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Aerial view of Columbia Ranch, Burbank

Columbia Studios at Sunset and Gower in Hollywood didn’t have a back lot like the other major studios so in 1934, studio head Harry Cohn bought 40 acres of land in Burbank and built his own back lot with its … Continue reading

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