Tag Archives: Downtown Los Angeles
Looking west along 7th Street toward the Warner Brothers Downtown Theatre at Hill St, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1937
I love everything in this circa 1937 photo looking west along 7th Street toward Hill Street in downtown LA: the young girl in the checked skirt (I wonder where she was going that day), the woman in the hat to … Continue reading
The Los Angeles Federal Courthouse and Post Office building at the corner of Main and Winston Sts, downtown Los Angeles, circa late 1890s
And from the “What We Lost in the March of Progress” file comes this magnificent building that I had never heard of until I came across this photo. It was known officially as the Los Angeles Federal Courthouse and Post … Continue reading
Looking north from around 6th St along a very crowded Main St, downtown Los Angeles, May 8th 1901
A couple of days ago I posted a photo looking north along Main St in downtown Los Angeles in 1906. Yesterday, someone sent me this photo taken from much the same angle (we can see the gazebo atop the Main … Continue reading
Looking north up Main St from around 6th St, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1906
Click on the above photo to see a larger version. In this circa 1906 shot, we’re looking north up Main St from around 6th St in downtown Los Angeles. Being close to the turn of the century, most of the … Continue reading
The then-new headquarters (aka “temple”) for the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks next to Angels Flight, Olive St, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1909
Yesterday’s photo of Hamburger’s department store sent me down an Elks fraternity rabbit hole, which took me to this photo. It was taken the same year – 1909 – which was when Elks Lodge No. 99 opened its new headquarters … Continue reading
Hamburger’s department store lit up at night, 801 S. Broadway, downtown Los Angeles, 1909
I was recently sent this photo asking if I could confirm it was Hamburger’s department store at 801 S. Broadway in downtown Los Angeles in 1909. Using Google image search and TinEye, I could find it posted nowhere else. Hamburger’s … Continue reading
Color view of Los Angeles City Hall from Union railway station, downtown Los Angeles, 1954
There are certain iconic LA buildings that I never get sick of seeing: Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, Hollywood sign, Richfield building, Garden of Allah Hotel. On that list is also the Los Angeles City Hall because it’s a landmark that proudly … Continue reading
Crowds of Angelenos pack both sides of Broadway to see President Franklin D. Roosevelt, downtown Los Angeles, 1938
We’re looking north up Broadway in downtown Los Angeles from 7th Street. According to the caption for this photo, those crowds of Angelenos packing both sides of the street came to see President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was 1938, which … Continue reading
Angels Flight funicular descends toward Hill St through a blanket of smog, downtown Los Angeles, 1958
When I first saw this photo of the Angels Flight funicular in its original location next to the Third Street Tunnel, I thought “How wonderfully atmospheric to ride Angels Flight amid swirling fog.” But then I read the caption which … Continue reading
The Ralphs brothers stand outside their first Ralphs store on the southwest corner of Sixth and Spring Sts, downtown Los Angeles, 1886
The name “Ralphs” probably won’t mean much to anyone outside Southern California, but to Angelenos it’s a well-known supermarket grocery chain. What we’re looking at here is their first store, which stood on the corner of Sixth and Spring Sts … Continue reading