Tag Archives: Hotels
Color photo looking west along Wilshire Blvd from Commonwealth Ave toward Bullocks Wilshire department store, Los Angeles, 1972
I don’t normally post images from as late as 1972, but I’m a sucker for color photos, especially if they’re of one of LA’s most iconic buildings: the Bullocks Wilshire department store. We’re looking west along Wilshire Blvd from Commonwealth … Continue reading
Looking north up Culver Blvd at the Culver Hotel, 9400 Culver Blvd, Culver City, California, 1938
In this photo, we’re looking north up Culver Blvd at the Culver Hotel at the intersection with Washington Blvd. This photo was taken in 1938, and we can see how the 6-story triangular-shaped hotel must have stood out. So I’m … Continue reading
Color photo of the front lawns of the Ambassador Hotel, Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles (undated)
These days, it’s unlikely that you’d find a big-city hotel with so much lawn around it—land is too valuable! But back in the early 1920s, when the Ambassador Hotel was being built on Wilshire Blvd (between Mariposa and Catalina, it … Continue reading
Cordova Hotel at 808 S. Figueroa St, on the southeast corner of 8th St, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1910s
I don’t know a lot about the Cordova Hotel which stood at 808 S. Figueroa St, on the southeast corner of 8th St in downtown Los Angeles other than the four-story building opened in 1913. But hey, what a stunning … Continue reading
A motorcar is parked out front of the Hollywood Hotel as seen in “Night Life in Hollywood” (1922)
This image gives us a view of what the Hollywood Hotel on the northwest corner of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave looked like in 1922. It is, in fact, a screengrab from a 1922 movie called Night Life In Hollywood … Continue reading
Night view looking north up Vine St from Sunset Blvd, Hollywood, circa 1960
There are some photos you can look at and almost hear the sounds, smell the traffic, and taste the air. For me, this is one of those photos. We’re looking north up Vine St from Sunset Blvd, Hollywood, circa 1960, … Continue reading
Brochure for The Woman’s Hotel at 639 S. Grand Ave, downtown Los Angeles, 1919
Until I came across this brochure, I never knew there was a hotel in downtown Los Angeles solely for women, and am very glad to hear there was a safe place they could go to. This is from 1919. Andie … Continue reading
Color photo looking west along Hollywood Blvd toward Highland Ave, Hollywood, December 1953
In this colorful Christmastime photo, we’re standing on the south side of Hollywood Blvd looking northwest past the Highland Ave intersection toward the Hollywood Hotel with the white cupola. Between the different colored cars and the red tiles on the … Continue reading
The Dome Hotel on the southwest corner of 2nd St and Grand Ave, downtown Los Angeles, 1960
If the caption hadn’t told me where this photo was taken, I never would have guessed. This is the 122-room Dome Hotel, which stood on the corner of 2nd St and Grand Ave in downtown Los Angeles from the early … Continue reading
Glen-Holly Hotel on the southeast corner of Ivar and Yucca Sts, Hollywood, circa 1890
The bucolic building we’re seeing here is Hollywood’s second hotel. The first one, the Sackett Hotel, was on the southwest corner of Hollywood and Cahuenga Blvds. This one was called the Glen-Holly Hotel, and it opened 7 years after the … Continue reading