Tag Archives: Mulholland Dam

Looking north across the houses of Hollywood toward the Mulholland Dam in the Hollywood Hills, circa 1930s

In this circa 1930s photo, we’re looking north across homes nestled into the Hollywood Hills toward the Mulholland Dam that holds back Hollywood Reservoir, aka Lake Hollywood. On March 12, 1928, the similarly built St. Francis Dam 30 miles northwest … Continue reading

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Aerial view looking north along Highland Ave as it heads north into Cahuenga Pass, Hollywood, 1926

In this aerial shot of Hollywood follows Highland Ave as it crosses Hollywood Blvd (near the bottom of the photo) then bends to the right before it heads north into the Cahuenga Pass. That white triangle to the right is … Continue reading

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The Mulholland Dam under construction in the Hollywood Hills, February 2, 1924

The Mulholland Dam (named after Water Superintendent William Mulholland, who is also the namesake of Mulholland Drive) sits in Weid Canyon north of Whitley Heights and northeast of the Hollywood Bowl. Construction began on April 1, 1923. This photo was … Continue reading

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Mulholland Dam filling with water, Hollywood Hills, circa 1924

The Mulholland Dam (named after William Mulholland, who designed the Los Angeles Aqueduct) holds the Hollywood Reservoir in place up in the Hollywood Hills. Construction began in 1923 and this photo shows it still being worked on, but I’m guessing … Continue reading

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