Tag Archives: Stores and Shopping

Out on the town with “Out with the Stars” exhibit

A couple of months ago, I went to a marvelous exhibit at the Hollywood Heritage museum called Meet The Stars: 100 Years of MGM Studios and the Golden Age of Hollywood. It was so fascinating that when the museum announced … Continue reading

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JJ Newberry and Kress five-and-dime stores, 6606-6612 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, circa Christmas 1937

Kress opened its five-and-dime store at 6066 Hollywood Blvd in 1935, but I don’t know if JJ Newberry came later or was already there. But either way, I’m left to wonder if they fiercely competed with their neighbor to wrestle … Continue reading

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Night shot looking east from around Highland Ave showing Hollywood Blvd ablaze with neon lights, circa 1962

Destination #2,783 in my time travel itinerary would be a nighttime stroll along Hollywood Blvd at the blazing height of its neon glory. I suspect this was a picture postcard, and I wish we could read the signs (and banners … Continue reading

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Looking west along Hollywood Blvd toward the Knickerbocker Hotel and the Guaranty building, Hollywood, circa late 1920s

Very little information came with this photo so I had to dig a little deeper on this one. Those two buildings in the background are the Guaranty building on the left and the Knickerbocker Hotel on the right. They stand … Continue reading

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Nighttime view looking north up Vine St from Sunset Blvd, Hollywood, July 27, 1948

This view looking north up Vine St from Sunset Blvd, Hollywood on July 27, 1948 makes me want to go for an after-dinner stroll just so that I could take in all those lights in real life: NBC radio, the … Continue reading

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Color photo looking north up Vine St from the Hollywood Blvd intersection, Hollywood, circa mid-to-late 1950s

There is no shortage of photos of the famous Hollywood and Vine intersection. Color photos are less plentiful, but you can still find them. But how many of them feature a gleaming white Jaguar XK-120 parked out front of the … Continue reading

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Frigidaire showroom on the northeast corner of Hollywood Blvd and McCadden Place, Hollywood, 1930

Yesterday’s post featured an Art Deco building on Highland Ave in Hollywood, so I thought I’d continue the theme with today’s post. This gorgeous building was the showroom for Frigidaire, the company whose refrigerators became the standard name for the … Continue reading

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Color photo looking south down 7th St from Flower St, downtown Los Angeles, June 10, 1957

It takes some imagination to picture a building like this existing in downtown Los Angeles, but thankfully we have this Kodachrome photo taken on June 10, 1957 to remind us what the heart of LA looked like once upon a … Continue reading

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Color photo of Gold Star Recording Studios, 6252 Santa Monica Blvd, Hollywood, 1957

With its rather inconspicuous storefront, you’d think Gold Star Recording Studios was just a local place where people could lay down a few tracks if they wanted. But you’d be wrong. Opening in October 1950, it offered custom-designed recording equipment … Continue reading

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Beautiful stores line the north side of the 6500 block of Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, 1935

This photo is why we need a time travel machine. I’d happily spend a day wandering Hollywood Blvd in 1935 checking out all these beautiful stores. Look at the detailing along the roof line and around the windows, and those … Continue reading

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