Tag Archives: Stores and Shopping

Thrifty Drug Store opens at Fourth and Spring Sts, downtown Los Angeles, circa mid-1939

Sometime in mid-1939, this Thrifty Drug Store opened at 4th and Spring Streets in downtown LA with lots of bunting and streamers. There are several signs saying “LUNCH” so I’m guessing there was a lunch counter inside they were keen … Continue reading

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Crowds flock to the opening of a Mode O’Day dress shop at the corner of S. Hill St and Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, 1935

From the looks of the frenzied energy of this blurry photo, the opening of a Mode O’ Day dress shop was a big deal. Mode O’ Day was a national chain of California-based franchised stores so I’m guessing when this … Continue reading

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A horse-drawn billboard for Bill Hoppers Blacksmith Shop rolls down Hollywood Blvd just west of Vine St, Hollywood, circa late 1920s

And from the “We Don’t See This Anymore” file comes this shot of what I can only describe as a horse-drawn billboard designed to advertise Bill Hoppers Blacksmith Shop. It does make me wonder how many blacksmiths still existed in … Continue reading

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Harold Lloyd confronts a policeman in “Why Worry?” as onlookers crowd the northwest corner of Hollywood and Cahuenga Blvds, Hollywood, 1923

I assume I’m not the only one here who is forever distracted by background locations in old Hollywood movies, and who tries to figure where it was filmed? This is a case in point. In this scene from “Why Worry?” … Continue reading

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Owl Rexall drugstore opens in Redondo Beach, Los Angeles, June 1950

I don’t know the exact location of this Owl Rexall drugstore in Redondo Beach, but when they opened in June of 1950, we can see they switched on ALL the lights. In real life, it probably didn’t look quite this … Continue reading

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A Southern Pacific Interurban streetcar takes the curve at the intersection of Hill and 6th Street, downtown Los Angeles, circa early 1947

Here we have a Southern Pacific Interurban streetcar taking the curve at the intersection of Hill and 6th Sts, downtown Los Angeles. The photographer had his back to Pershing Square in what was probably very late 1946 or early 1947. … Continue reading

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Looking north up Broadway from 6th St, downtown Los Angeles, circa late 1930s

<sigh>  What I wouldn’t give for the opportunity to spend an afternoon walking down Broadway in downtown Los Angeles in the late 30s such as what we can see in this photo looking north from 6th St. In this shot … Continue reading

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Looking at Schwab’s Pharmacy from across Vine St near the northeast corner of Hollywood Blvd intersection, Hollywood, circa early 1950s

It amazes me that I could be today years old when I learned that a branch of LA’s most famous pharmacy (Schwab’s) once stood next to LA’s most famous intersection (Hollywood and Vine) and I’ve never noticed it until I … Continue reading

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Currie’s Ice Cream parlor, 1521 W. Whittier Blvd, Montebello, Los Angeles, 1946

One of the most popular ice cream parlors in Los Angeles from the 1930s through the late 1960s was Currie’s with locations all over Southern California. This location was at 1521 W. Whittier Blvd, Montebello in 1946. As we can … Continue reading

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Crowds gather outside the May Co. department store at 803 S. Broadway, downtown Los Angeles, 1931

In 1931, the May Co department store went all out to celebrate their 50th anniversary. Technically, it was the 50th anniversary of Hamburger’s department store which later merged with the May Co. But hey, any excuse for a big celebration/publicity … Continue reading

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