Tag Archives: Whitley Heights

Large sign atop Whitley Heights, Los Angeles (undated)

Sometimes it seems like every hilltop development in Los Angeles put up a sign. This one is new to me. Whitley Heights was a residential subdivision developed by Hobart Whitley in the hills opposite the Hollywood Bowl in the early … Continue reading

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Panoramic view of Hollywood looking east toward the intersection of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave from Whitley Heights, 1906

The photographer who took this shot in 1906 would have been standing on the hillside we now know as Whitley Heights. We’re looking east toward the intersection of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave. Right in the middle, nestled among a … Continue reading

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Panoramic view of Hollywood from Whitley Heights circa 1903

This panoramic view of Hollywood from Whitley Heights circa 1903 is so unrecognizable that someone thoughtfully added modern day landmarks so that we know what we’re looking at.

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Hollywood Freeway (the 101) at Whitley Heights, under construction, 1953

At the end of my street right now, the city is doing some work on the roads and, quite frankly, it’s a pain . . . until I saw this photo of Hollywood Freeway under construction at Whitley Heights in … Continue reading

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Whitley Heights, circa 1920s

Before there was a Beverly Hills for stars to move to, there was Whitley Heights. It was developed in the very early 1920s by HJ Whitley as a Mediterranean village on the steep hillsides opposite the entrance to the Hollywood … Continue reading

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Panoramic view of Hollywood from Whitley Heights, 1903

If this was the year 1903 and you were standing on the hillside of Whitley Heights and looked south, this would be the panoramic view of you’d get of Hollywood. The curving road in the foreground is Highland where the … Continue reading

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