The Bar of Music, Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles

The Bar of Music, Beverly Blvd, Los AngelesThe “Bar of Music” is a name I’ve come across several times in my research, but apart from one source saying that it opened in 1940, there wasn’t much else I could find out. Then I came across this photo in a book called “Sins of the City” which said: “A long-running and successful club on Beverly Boulevard, the Bar of Music was a cozy spot for intimate chat and prolonged cocktails. Off the beaten path, the nightspot featured top cabaret entertainment and harbored a reputation as a hangout for hipsters and underworld types.” Sounds groovy, huh???

** UPDATE *** December 2, 2022 *** from Jacqueline Villaudy ***

The Bar of Music was owned by my grandfather, Albert Villaudy. My father, Jack Villaudy, was the manager. Both my father and grandfather were from Paris. My father came here and graduated from Yale in 1936 and later went on in WW2 with the US and fought in France. Later he was the chief toxicologist for LA. In 1972 he took cyanide at City Hall where his lab and the Medical Examiner were at the time. In 1959, my father was asked by an old associate from the bar to introduce baccarat at the Sands Hotel, which he did, I was five then and we lived in Vegas for almost five years. That’s all I can tell you about the Bar of Music, but I did enjoy seeing a picture of it.
Thank You, Jacqueline Villaudy

Bar of Music 7351 Beverly Blvd souvenir photo cover Bar of Music 7351 Beverly Blvd napkinInterior, Bar of Music, 7351 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles

Bar of Music advertisement 1947

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5 responses to “The Bar of Music, Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles”

  1. DeeGee Whitney says:

    Love your site~

    Do you know if the Bar of Music was owned by a man name Villaudy in the 1940’s. I remember as a very young child being taken there by my parents and was kept away from the bar with toys in a back room. My aunt Marjorie Whitney (died ~1937) was married to Villaudy.

    Just wondering.

    • Hi DeeGee and thanks for stopping by. I’m glad to hear you enjoy my site. I don’t have any useful information like that but maybe someone will see this and be able to confirm that for you.

  2. Tracy Nickloff says:

    Hi, came across this site as I found a photo of my grandmother and great aunt with their dates at this bar, when my grandmother was young, post WWII. Came in a little souvenir photo holder similar to what you have here. Would you like me to scan it and send it for you to have on this page?

  3. Sherry Thompson says:

    I have a bunch of old matchbooks…one from this Bar…Several from around Hollywood. So cool to hold the book that came out of that places ( these places) 1940’s.

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