Hollywood pepper trees, 1920s

Hollywood pepper trees, 1920sThis street was notated “Sunset Blvd. at or near Argyle (’20s -’30s?)” but Sunset Boulevard had a streetcar running down it, as did Hollywood Boulevard, so it’s clearly not either of those. However, it’s probably close. My guess is that it’s probably Argyle St, Hollywood, looking south some time in the 1920s. But what’s most interesting about this photo is that it shows the abundant pepper trees that used to abound around Hollywood. Daeida and Harvey Wilcox, the original founders of Hollywood planted the first pepper trees and soon the whole area was covered with them. They look like they’d have given plenty of shade.

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4 responses to “Hollywood pepper trees, 1920s”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    Oops..that’s a common mistake. Sunset only had rails as far as Sanborn Junction at the Santa Monica turnoff (and later Hollywood Junction just north). Sunset was pure auto road by design for everywhere west of that, with rails only on Hollywood Blvd. and Santa Monica Blvd.. Whether or not this is viewed along Argyle or from a point near the intersection is a good question. Sunset may have been narrower in the early years.

    • I thought the streetcar went along Sunset all the way to Crescent Heights…?

      • Al Donnelly says:

        A single track existed 1911-24 from Gardiner Jct. to Laurel Canyon Boulevard only. Probably used to get rock from the Brush Canyon Quarry to construct Sunset. Then it was available for passenger service along the road center. But Sunset was intended to be an auto road from the start, so that line was likely always doomed to be dismantled.

  2. Al Donnelly says:

    Maybe this view looks north toward the backside of buildings along Sunset, placing the tall buildings at the left over on Vine at Hollywood? That would seem to place this street in the projection of the line down from Argyle.

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