Corner of Wilshire Blvd and McCadden Place, circa 1920s

The corner of Wilshire Blvd and McCadden Place is now a medium density residential area which also features a large middle school and the Beverly Hills BMW dealership (and, of course, a Starbucks) but back in the 1920s when this photo was taken there was hardly much of anything except a lot of land on which some moneyed folk could – and did, as we can see – build large homes with expansive yards.The corner of Wilshire Blvd and McCadden Place is now a medium density residential area which also features a large middle school and the Beverly Hills BMW dealership (and, of course, a Starbucks) but back in the 1920s when this photo was taken there was hardly much of anything except a lot of land on which some moneyed folk could – and did, as we can see – build large homes with expansive yards.

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