Paris Inn Cafe & the Adam and Eve bar, 110 E. Market St, Los Angeles

According to H. P. Oliver:

Guests who attended the Paris Inn ‘s grand opening on New Year’s Eve, 1924 were invited to “take a trip to Paris” by club owners Bert Rovere and Innocente Pedroli. The Paris Inn’s decor was a combination of bohemian and Renaissance. In keeping with the Left Bank ambiance, smock and beret-clad artists were available to draw caricatures of guests. The club’s waiters were of the singing variety.

Prominent guests at the Paris Inn included Charlie Chaplin and Clara Bow. The club occupied three Los Angeles locations during its lifetime:

  • 110 East Market Street
  • 210 East Market
  • and finally 845 North Broadway in 1950.


paris inn cafe rulerparis inn cafe los angeles matchbook paris inn cafe los angeles5 paris inn cafe los angeles4 paris inn cafe los angeles3 paris inn cafe los angeles2 paris inn cafe los angeles wine list paris inn cafe los angeles1adam eve bar paris inn adam eve bar paris innparis inn wine listparis inn photo interior  paris inn yellow menuparis inn yellow menu2Cafe de Paris matchbookParis Inn matcthbookParis Inn menu cover

Paris Inn souvenir photo cover

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21 responses to “Paris Inn Cafe & the Adam and Eve bar, 110 E. Market St, Los Angeles”

  1. Ginger Hansen says:

    My husband is the grandson of I. Pedroli. I have found several singing albums by Bert Rovere, Rin Pianto & La Spagnola. I am wondering if you have history with someone with the Parris Inn or what is your connection. I have several things. Something I wish I didn’t give away was a photo album of the people that would of gone to the Paris Inn, Like May West, Clark Cable, the producers of silent films, Griffin, and many more. I have some history on the gentleman that did the art work. email if you would like more information.

    • Hello Ginger, and thanks for your note. I have no connection with the Paris Inn. I am an author writing a series of books set in and around LA and Hollywood from the late 1920s through to the late 1950s. In the course of my research, I like to collect information on the places where my characters would have gone to and spent time at. The Bert Rovere must have been a master marketer because the Paris Inn and related paraphernalia tends to come up from time to time. Gosh, I wish you hadn’t given away that photo album too! I”d LOVE to have seen it!

      • ginger hansen says:

        Not sure where you live but my father in law is 91 a retired principle from Hollywood high and was married to the daughter of mr
        Pedroli. I am sure he can tell you a lot about los angeles. I have a photo album about the man that did the character drawing. The Paris inn did this way before the brown derby.

      • Ginger Hansen says:

        Not sure if I gave you my email address.

  2. Richard Rovere says:

    I would love to contact Ms. Hansen if possible. Bert Rovere was my uncle. His sister Emma was my Grandmother. I’ve been collecting memorabilia about Bert and his restaurants (Paris Inn, Lucca’s, and the Hurricane in San Francisco) for many years.


    I have one menu that is not pictured in your collection here. It is a souvenier menu with a photo of Bert Rovere in the upper right hand corner and an illustration of a “singing waiter” on the front.
    I would gladly sell or give away to an interested party.

  4. Candy Rumsey says:

    Hello I have a token that was from 1935, it has Good luck Romance with 2 foot prints on 1 side, and the other side has a man and woman standing with good luck on it. Can you send me any info on it?
    Thank you candy Rumsey

  5. Carole Balzano says:

    i have a few things of the Paris Inn. my grandfather, Alfonso Balzano, was a chef there. i have a character drawing of my grandfather done by Art Figlo-Parizi. a photo of my grandfather in the kitchen. among other things.


    About 1933-35, my Dad was a singer at the Paris Inn until he was discovered by Paramount and signed to a contract. His name was Ezzelino Jack Ghilarducci.

  7. Janet Baker says:

    I have a Paris Inn Cafe 210 East Market Street brochure. My father had visited sometime before his death in 1948. What would the value be of this item?

  8. Ginger Hansen says:

    I have records of Bert rovere singing plus more items from the Paris Inn. My husband’s grandfather was papa Pedroli. We have no children and I have no idea what to do with what I have? Any ideas?

  9. Monnet Cummings says:

    My maternal great uncle Henri Monnet played the organ at the Paris Inn, probably in the 1930’s-1940’s. Also, my paternal grandfather Francis Cummings visited the Paris Inn frequently during the same time period. He was a mucky muck in the city government of L.A. and worked in City Hall. It’s likely the 2 of them had met one another, long before my mom and dad ever met!

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