Gotham Delicatessen at 7050 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood

Gotham Delicatessen at 7050 Hollywood Blvd, HollywoodThis is the Gotham Delicatessen which opened in 1923 at 7050 Hollywood Blvd just down from Grauman’s, and the Roosevelt Hotel. It became a fixture on Hollywood’s restaurant scene for a long while. I don’t know when it closed but a 1941 Los Angeles Guide said: “Combination delicatessen and restaurant. Paprika chicken is a dinner specialty; the Gotham Special Sandwich, big enough for two, is an all-day specialty; and for midnight supper, small hot cakes serves with sour cream are feature.” And one review raved: “There was no food on the face of the earth better than Gotham’s. You could get everything there. The food was unequaled. It was just like it was a banquet.” No wonder it lasted at least 20 years.

The following two photos are from 1928:

1928, of the GOTHAM at Hollywood Blvd. and Sycamore 2 1928, of the GOTHAM at Hollywood Blvd. and Sycamore 2Gotham Menugotham delicatessen hollywood menu 21935 advertisement for Margaret’s Flowers, Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles

1935 advertisement for the Gotham Deli, Hollywood


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6 responses to “Gotham Delicatessen at 7050 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood”

  1. Jean Hunter says:

    Sometimes I wonder if our Golden Age big stars ever popped into ordinary places like these for a quick bite? Nowadays many of the reality “stars” and those in the music industry are surrounded by their own security/entourage, but back in the Golden Age, I’ll bet our beloved actors and actresses ventured about town solo.

    The first photo shows the Sycamore Apartments above the deli. I can just imagine the starlets who came to Hollywood with big dreams that soon faded into reality and ending up living the rest of their lives in buildings like these if they didn’t just pack it up and head back home.

    Thanks for all the great photos!


    • I suspect they did, Jean. I remember reading a story that Sheilah Graham related once. She and boyfriend Scott Fitzgerald were eating “in the hat” (the Wilshire Brown Derby) on Saturday night and they spotted Hedy Lamarr (I think it was Hedy) eating by herself. Can you imagine? Fitzgerald made the comment something along the lines of only in Hollywood could one of the most gorgeous women in the world not have a date for Saturday night. All the single men assumed she already had one lined up so they never bothered to call.

  2. Emil says:

    I am the grandson and namesake of one of the founders of the Gotham. I appreciate this post and the beautiful photos. I have grown up hearing numerous stories about every famous actor eating at the Gotham from that time period including Clark Gable, Greta Garbo, etc etc. Any other photos or stories would greatly appreciated. Thank you again!!

    • Hi Emil, and thanks for your note. Ah! So you’re a member of the Gotham Deli family! I don’t suppose up in the attic there is a photo album with any shots of the Gotham? If you do have any, I – and lots of other people would love to see them!

  3. Al Donnelly says:

    Interesting that the signage indicates Sycamore Apartments upstairs because there is a map listing this structure as the Gotham Hotel. So what came to the name first, the deli or the hotel? Or was it always just rentals?

  4. Joel Johnstone says:

    “…the Gotham Special Sandwich, big enough for two, is an all-day specialty”. My parents frequented the Gotham restaurant when they were dating in the late 40’s. They used to talk about ordering the Gotham Special as either a quarter, half, or full. The sandwich was made with diagonal slices of good Jewish Rye so a full was something like 10″-12″ long. We have carried on the tradition of having Gotham Specials in our family now down to the great grandchildren of my parents. Gotham Special – Good Jewish Rye bread, turkey, ham, Swiss cheese, with Russian dressing. It’s a must have after Thanksgiving every year.

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