Menu from Brown Derby restaurant, Vine Street, Hollywood, dated Sunday, May 30, 1948

If you’ve ever wondered (like I have) what you would have ordered if you’d had the chance to go to the Brown Derby on Vine Street in Hollywood, here’s your chance. This menu has a specific dated printed on it: “Sunday, May 30, 1948” which strikes me as odd. Why would they printed a date on their menu?

and then click again to see an even larger version.

Vine Street Brown Derby menu. Sunday, May 30, 1948 (3)Vine Street Brown Derby menu. Sunday, May 30, 1948 (3)Vine Street Brown Derby menu. Sunday, May 30, 1948 (3)

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2 responses to “Menu from Brown Derby restaurant, Vine Street, Hollywood, dated Sunday, May 30, 1948”

  1. David P. Frericks says:

    My mother passed away in 2008 and I was left among other things, a 1941 authentic Brown Derby menu. Her family went on a 3 week vacation out to the west cost to visit family etc. Along the way, my grandmother wrote a diary about the trip etc.. She mentioned eating at the Brown Derby and asked the manager if she could take home a menu. There is a paper clip attached to the menu holding that days “special”. The menu is in excellent shape. It is really neat.. The diary mentions seeing some Hollywood stars on the street.
    David P. Frericks Circleville, Ohio 1/5/2017

    • Hi David, and thanks for your comment. How great that your mom held onto the Brown Derby menu after all this time. Is it in good enough condition to take photos or scans of? I’d LOVE to see it, esp that day’s specials!

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