Corner of Hollywood Blvd & Highland Ave and the Hollywood Hotel, 1915

Corner of Hollywood Blvd & Highland Ave and the Hollywood Hotel, 1915Here we have a very early view of Hollywood. This is from 1915 and we’re looking at the corner of Hollywood and Highland where the Hollywood Hotel sits amid still-quite-short palm trees, and a Red Car is rattling along Highland Ave. In the background, up on the hill, we can see the house which the Bernheimer brothers began building in 1911 to house their collection of Asian treasures. The building is still there, and is now a Japanese restaurant called Yamashiro.

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One response to “Corner of Hollywood Blvd & Highland Ave and the Hollywood Hotel, 1915”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    Image would be taken from atop the Hollymar Apartments (3rd & 4th floor) in the C.E. Toberman building (later Bank of Italy/Bank of America). You can see the edge of the roof on the left. Southern Pacific ticket agency was on the ground floor before moving further east a few blocks. Across the road is a corner building replacing an open lot next to the Bank Of Hollywood (1899 era) that faced Highland Avenue. George Hoover was president and the builder of the Hotel Hollywood, which was unloaded in short order. [His house was on the big lot at the NW corner of Vine, where the Cross Keys Cafe/Fountain (1926) and later CoCo Tree (1932), Melody Lane, Hody’s, HoJo (197), Brown Derby (1987), etc. would stand until the fire. Son Frank built the Hoover Art Studios doing photography.] The Equitable Building was actually a B.of H. project but they went down in the ‘29 crash effects. The Bonnie Brier Hotel (phase 1 east end) should be on the SE corner to the left out of view here wherein an Ever Ready Drug Store occupied the corner ground space. [After the west annex was added, the original structure was later destroyed and replaced with the Rexall drug store later known as LEE. By then the remaining hotel was called the Park Hotel.]

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