Marion Davies / William Randolph Hearst Santa Monica Beach house.

Marion Davies / William Randolph Hearst Santa Monica Beach house.When most of us think, “I’ll build a beach house!” we think of a cute little cottage that opens out onto the sand, some ivy, maybe. But when Marion Davies and William Randolph Hearst had that idea, this was the result: a five-acre property right in Santa Monica beach, a 100+ room mansion, three guest houses, tennis courts, and pools. Something tells me this place was more “Hearst” than “Davies.” Amazing, part of this building still survives today.

Marion Davies's Santa Monica beach house, around 1930

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2 responses to “Marion Davies / William Randolph Hearst Santa Monica Beach house.”

  1. Hi – W. R. did things on a large scale, didn’t he? What email address should I use for you? Am nearly finished with Book One of your series and LOVE it. Your talent for bringing the old days to life is a genuine gift. Your friend, L.

  2. Pachi Sueiro says:

    Hi there! Guest houses and the pool survives. What a pity!

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