Sightseeing and stars homes map of Los Angeles and Hollywood, 1940s

If this were 1940 and you wanted to take yourself for a drive around Beverly Hills to gawk at all the stars homes (not that you would do that, of course because that would be so gauche, wouldn’t it . . .) you could use this detailed map with driving directions. It’s interesting to read through the list of names it includes as gawk-worthy – some of them I’ve never even heard of: Josephine Hutchinson, Walter Connolly, Dixie Dunbar, Frank Craven.

Click on map to get a larger view, and then click a second time for an even larger view:

Sightseeing and stars homes map of the 1940sSightseeing and stars homes map of the 1940sSightseeing and stars homes map of the 1940sSightseeing and stars homes map of the 1940s

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