Aerial shot Gilmore Stadium, Field, and Drive-In, Los Angeles

Aerial shot Gilmore Stadium, Field, and Drive-In, Los AngelesThe land at the southeast corner of Fairfax Ave and Beverly Blvd now houses CBS Television City (which is currently up for sale) and The Grove shopping mall but before that, it was a hive of activity. This aerial shot shows us the Gilmore Drive-in (top right) and next to it Gilmore baseball field. At the center is the Gilmore Stadium (1934 – 1952) and the pale building in the top left corner is the Pan Pacific Auditorium. I guess the rest of that land was parking but it looks more like open fields. Does anybody reading this remember what it was?

Susan says: “To the left of Gilmore Field is Farmer’s Market. To the right of Gilmore Field is the old Gilmore Drive-In. That large long area to the right of the Pan Pacific was parking for the Pan Pacific, Gilmore Field and over-flow parking for Gilmore Stadium. As I recall, that area to the right of Pan Pacific, was unpaved. Maybe that’s why you think it looks more like a field. That round structure in the lower left is Herbert’s Drive-in restaurant.”

Bill says: “As I recall, Farmer’s Market was at 3rd st. and Fairfax – to the right of stadium. Across 3rd st., on southeast corner of 3rd and Fairfax was (is?) Town & Country plaza. The unpaved “field” may be where the midget race cars were staged during the midget car races run in the stadium. Across from Pan Pacific was the L.A. Rams ticket office. Near that was a tropical fish store.”


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3 responses to “Aerial shot Gilmore Stadium, Field, and Drive-In, Los Angeles”

  1. Jim Lewis says:

    Bill is correct – the Farmers’ Market is on the right side of the picture. I recall passing the drive-in theatre on 3rd St. many times when I was a youth. Incidentally, that space between the Stadium and Field with the trees was Gilmore’s house. I recall my parents saying the house was historic, perhaps a Spanish hacienda which it resembles. I haven’t been to the Farmers’ Market in many years, but last time I was there the house was still extant.

  2. John says:

    Wasn’t the gilmore stadium used in one of the Marx Brother’s movie? It seems like Harpo was going down the field in some sort of chariot while a football game was going on. Loved those guys.

  3. Al Donnelly says:

    Historic Fairfax Theater is west side, north of Beverly. Billy Grays’s Band Box is on the same side, but placed south of Beverly in this area.

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