Dolores Drive-in on the northeast corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Le Doux Rd, Beverly Hills, circa early 1950s

Dolores Drive-in on the northeast corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Le Doux Rd, Beverly Hills, 1957I love how the drive-in restaurants of Los Angeles were often repurposed once the life of the original business had run its course. In a former life this had been a Carpenter’s sandwich stand – home of the 15 cent steak sandwich, folks! –on the northeast corner of Wilshire and Le Doux in Beverly Hills. But by the 1950s (this photo is from 1957) it had been converted and expanded to a Delores Drive-in. It’s hard for me to look at photos like these and not have the theme song to “Happy Days” start up in my head.

Carpenter’s in 1932:

Carpenters drive-in restaurant at the corner of Wilshire Blvd and Le Doux Rd, Beverly Hills, October 1932

The Delores Drive-in restaurant lasted until 1981 – which is a pretty good run, if you ask me. You can see it just before it closed down in this YouTube video.

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2 responses to “Dolores Drive-in on the northeast corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Le Doux Rd, Beverly Hills, circa early 1950s”

  1. M. Mitchell Marmel says:

    I s’pose if you drive into Midas asking for a 15¢ steak sammich, you’ll get a Free Dumb Look…

  2. Phyllis Ross says:

    Does anyone know what the recipe is for the Z sauce from Delores??

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