Union Station in color, downtown Los Angeles, 1950

Union Station in color, downtown Los Angeles, 1950From the always-interesting Davelandweb site comes this color photo of Union Station at the edge of downtown in 1950. What I like about this photo is that the railway station looks practically the same now as it did back then. The main difference is that the palm trees are taller. I also like that car on the right. It’s not all sparkling and shiny new like in a 2022 movie set in 1950, but looks like it had a lot of miles on it and has gathered some rust along the way.

Roughly the same view in June 2021:

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4 responses to “Union Station in color, downtown Los Angeles, 1950”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    The other car entering on the left looks snazzy! Engine hood appears big enough to hide a twelve cylinder block, and that passenger area seems to possibly be a cockpit-styled single seater. Maybe these vehicles are heading straight in to the area behind the restaurant where the bar was located. A cocktail party for the oddbal-auto set?

  2. Martin Pal says:

    “Roughly the same view in June 2021”

    Boy, they sure leave their Christmas decorations up a long time! 🙂

  3. Al Donnelly says:

    A blog link where an album of photos resides showing LAUPT in 1939 as it was new (scroll way down to entry, lots of great stuff before that too): https://losangelespast.blogspot.com/2012/

    And the view (from USC archives) of Hill Street at 1st (before tunnels) is a great one! A tough route for electric rails to get around the hills before Los Angeles Pacific bored right through.

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