An Easter service takes place at the Hollywood Bowl, circa early to mid 1920s

An Easter service takes place at the Hollywood Bowl, circa early to mid 1920sHere we see a shot of an Easter service taking place at the Hollywood Bowl. There was no date on this photo, however the very first Easter service was held in 1921, and the first shell wasn’t built until 1926, so let’s call this photo circa early to mid 1920s when all they had was a wooden stage and a parking lot off to the side. That cross on the hillside, I wonder if it’s filled with a choir?

** UPDATE ** – From John W on Facebook: “April 20, 1924: A crowd of 25,000 attends Easter Sunrise Service at the Hollywood Bowl. This panorama was made from three prints.”

A crowd of 25,000 attends Easter Sunrise Service at the Hollywood Bowl, April 20, 1924

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2 responses to “An Easter service takes place at the Hollywood Bowl, circa early to mid 1920s”

  1. Ralph Conroy says:

    Thank you for sharing this historical image of the early Hollywood Bowl and yo to view as it was so long ago in addition to the Model T’s in the background that convey a point in time.

  2. Martin Pal says:

    Wow, this is a photo of the Hollywood Bowl I don’t think I’ve seen before! In a Hollywood history book (of Hollywood the physical place) I saw a 1940s photo of an Easter Sunrise service at the bowl during the war years and it was very haunting to me and made me want to go to one of them one year. After a long period of time trying to find others who wanted to go, one year I went by myself and it was really glorious. I don’t know if the services were always non-denominational (everyone invited) through the decades, but regardless, just as an entertainment spectacle it was really delightful.

    Does anyone know if they still hold these every year? I’ve lost track. Up until around 15 or so years ago they hadn’t missed a year, but I know that some Bowl remodeling at one time cancelled it, though they may have also changed locations to still have it then, and covid times would have shut it down, but it was a tradition for 100 years more or less and is something they should bring back if it hasn’t been.

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