Looking southeast down Rodeo Dr from Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills, 1932

Looking southeast down Rodeo Dr from Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills, 1932In this photo we’re looking southeast down Rodeo Dr from Santa Monica Blvd in Beverly Hills. It was taken in 1932, back when Rodeo Dr. wasn’t home to blocks of high-end stores that 99% of people can’t afford. It was a regular local street with regular local stores and cafes, which is why it looks so clean and uncluttered. I don’t know what sort of trees lined the street, but their uniformity almost makes it look as though they’re pointing to the Beverly Wilshire Hotel that back then would only have been four years old.

This is how that view looked in November 2023.


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6 responses to “Looking southeast down Rodeo Dr from Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills, 1932”

  1. Stevie South says:

    I wonder if the Christian Louboutin building is the only surviving building along that stretch?

  2. john says:

    Where did all those unique trees that lined the street go? Like the rest of LA it was so nice and non cluttered back in the 30s. How lucky those citizens were to live there then. We can only dream!!!

  3. Michael Bershad says:

    Is it possible that the building on the southwest corner is still there? Looks like it.

  4. Al Donnelly says:

    Just goes to show you that you can’t be termed civilized until there’s a pie shop in town!

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