Tag Archives: Brown Derby restaurant
Color shot of the original Brown Derby restaurant, 3377 Wilshire Blvd, across the street from the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, 1973
I’ll take any opportunity to post a photo of the first Brown Derby restaurant, especially if it’s in color. Technically, the original first Brown Derby stood at 3427 Wilshire. But that land was acquired by someone else, and the big … Continue reading
The Brown Derby restaurant, 1628 N. Vine St, Hollywood, as seen in RKO’s “Nocturne” (1946)
I recently watched an RKO movie from 1946 called “Nocturne” in which George Raft plays a homicide detective. I didn’t think Raft was very good in the role, but the movie had a number of interesting location shots, including this … Continue reading
View looking east along Wilshire Blvd from Camden Dr., Beverly Hills circa 1936
I wish Wilshire Blvd still looked this calm and peaceful. We’re looking east along Wilshire from Camden Dr. in Beverly Hills circa 1936. This was before Rodeo Dr. became the mecca of luxury shopping that it later became. Back when … Continue reading
Auburn-Cord automobile showroom, 3443 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, circa early 1930s
Auburn-Cord manufactured slick roadsters during the first few decades of the 20th century. What we’re seeing here is their L.A. showroom at 3443 Wilshire Blvd, circa early 1930s (if that Ford Model A in the foreground is anything to go … Continue reading
Looking west toward the original Brown Derby restaurant at Wilshire Blvd and Alexandria Ave, Los Angeles, 1968
In this 1968 photo, we’re looking west along Wilshire Blvd outside the Brown Derby restaurant at Alexandria Ave. It’s a shame that the sign is blocking our view from seeing the hat-shaped roof, but it’s interesting to know that at … Continue reading
Brown Derby restaurant, 3377 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1970
I don’t normally post vintage photos as late as 1970, but the Brown Derby is an exception to the rule. This is the original, hat-shaped Derby that stood on the northeast corner of Wilshire Blvd and Alexandria Ave from 1937 … Continue reading
Zeiss Telescope parked on Vine Street, Hollywood, 1936
I’m not sure why a Zeiss Telescope (“World’s Largest Portable”) is attached to this Ford (with what looks like a steel plate bolted to the roof) and parked on the west side of Vine Street in Hollywood (the building in … Continue reading
Looking north up Vine St from Selma Ave at dust, Hollywood, circa 1950s
To my way of thinking, this view looking north up Vine St from Selma Ave is one of those quintessential Hollywood vistas that I never tire of. Especially when taken at dusk and we can see the lights of the … Continue reading
Aerial view of the Ambassador Hotel, Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 1940
This 1940 aerial view gives us a whole different perspective of the Ambassador Hotel which stood on Wilshire Blvd at Alexandria Ave. The hotel opened in 1921, when the land along that part of Wilshire Blvd was cheap and plentiful, … Continue reading
An LAPD squad car parked out front of the Vine Street Brown Derby restaurant in Hollywood, circa mid-to-late 1950s
It makes me wonder what drama was unfolding inside the Vine Street Brown Derby that needed the LAPD. Perhaps there was a contretemps in the Brown Derby Liquor Shop (which is hard to miss with that red neon sign) and … Continue reading